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Ruka (2)

We got off of the carriage that brought us to the Royal Palace. I linked my arm with Zuko's before sending him a smile. He returned the gesture.

We started walking to the large entrance of the palace slowly.

"Many times I imagined myself here, at threshold of the palace. But I always thought I would be here as a conqueror. Instead, we are the Earth King's personal guests, here to serve him tea!" Iroh softly smiled. "Destiny is a funny thing."

"It sure is, Uncle."

"I couldn't agree more."

I started to remember the day Zuko and I first kissed. He was a complete mess that night, but I was able to calm him down. Then I remembered what Iroh told me while Zuko was sick... how he's a better man because of me. 

Did I really fulfill my destiny? Is this what Avatar Roku and his granddaughter want? For me to make him a better man?


We were lead to the garden - behind the palace - to a back house and now in a room. We were seated at a small table in front of the Kong's large throne.

"We've been waiting for a half hour." I said lowly.

"What's taking so long?" Zuko asked.

Iroh poured some tea into his cup, "Maybe the Earth King over slept."

Not even a second later, a group of Dai Li agents walk into the room. The began to surround us, making me scoot closer to Zuko.

"Something's not right." Zuko says.

"Yeah, and it's making me uncomfortable." I murmured.

"It's tea time." As if on cue, Azula walks in with her hands behind her back. She was wearing an Earth Kingdom uniform, similar to the Dai Li's.

"You've got to be kidding me." I gritted through my teeth.

Zuko stood up quickly, "Azula!"

"Have you met the Dai Li? They're Earth benders, but they have a killer instinct that's so fire bender. I just love it."'

"Get up." Zuko whispered to me. I did as he said and he pushed me behind him.

"She's still around?" Azula cocked a brow at me. "I expected her to be long gone."

Iroh stands up with his cup of tea in hand, "Did I ever tell you how I got the nickname, 'The Dragon of the West?'"

"I'm not interested in a lengthy anecdote, Uncle." Azula says as she waves him off.

"It's more of a demonstration, really." Iroh replies before taking a sip of his tea. Zuko smirks before grabbing me and covering us both behind Iroh.

Just like a dragon, he begins to breath Fire and attack the Dai Li agents that surrounded us. Zuko punched fire at the wall, creating a hole for us to escape out out of. We ran out with the Dai Li still on our heels.

We turned a corner which was a dead end. But that wasn't a problem for Iroh. From the tip of his fingers, he shoots out a blast of lightning that blew a hole into the cement wall. He was the first to jump out.

After landing on a bush, he looked up to Zuko and I from still inside the building. "Come on! You'll be fine!"

"No! I'm tired of running! It's time I faced Azula!" Zuko looked at me with his brow furrowed, "You have to jump."

I shook my head. "I'm not leaving you."

"You have nothing to defend yourself with." He said.

I lifted up a piece of my robe, showing my water skin. "A true water bender never leaves without water."

We both turn around and it only took us a few steps before finding Azula who stood with the Dai Li.

"You're so dramatic. What? Are you going to challenge me to an Agni Kai?" Azula smirks.

"Yes! I challenge you!"

Azula shrugs with a smile, "No thanks."

Zuko was the first to attack, but the Dai Li quickly protected the princess.

I bent the water from my water skin, shooting the water toward the agents. As I did so, the water turned into icicles that continued to launch.

The agents sent out rocks from their rock gloves, breaking each icicle. I clenched my fists, come on!

Shortly after, they launched their rock gloves at our feet, making us stumble. They sent out others at our hands so we couldn't bend.

Azula turned around with a smirk, but before she walked away, she told one of the agents, "Arrest the girl and bring her to me. There's someone I want her to meet."

They nodded and pushed me down by shooting a rock at my stomach. I groaned in pain.

"Ruka!" Zuko yelled. "No! Don't touch her! Let her go!"

The Ruka Wild ↠ Book 2 > A:TLA Where stories live. Discover now