Chapter 1

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Great it's the first day of my senior year. I have been waiting for this for such a long time. The last three years of high school have just sucked. I moved to Massachusetts my freshman year. I'm originally from Indiana, but my dad got a job here, so we all moved here. So far my high school experience has been awful. I just hate the people here. But being on the dance team, then transitioning to theatre (best decision ever!) has been great. But I haven't gotten what I have always wanted. I want a relationship like I see everywhere else. I want to be happy with someone. I want that teen romance. The longest relationship I have ever had lasted for about a month. But then came along John. He persuaded me to dump the guy because he started liking me. I fell in love with him, and he said he loved me too. Over the summer I thought we were growing closer, going to his youth group and talking to him everyday. He even called me babe, I have never had that happen before. But he had a different idea. I guess he grew apart from me and just stopped. He loved me in a more "sisterly way" he said. But in reality he found me clingy and not that pretty. So now I hate him, but luckily he already graduated. It was really awkward during theatre rehersals and shows though. I am ready to have the romance I need, and well, I am getting that this year. This senior year.

After I wake up at 5 in the morning, and get ready, I grab my coffee and bag and leave for my bus stop. I am probably going to be the only senior who isn't driving to school because my parents were too lazy to take me to driving school this summer. I guess it's okay, I'll probably be riding the subway for the next few years after high school. I really want to go to college in New York City. It's where I was meant to live.

The bus comes to a stop and I get on first and sit in the first seat next to the door. I always need to sit in the front, I absolutely hate the bus. At my old bus stop, there was annoying girl, Alison, who would just talk loudly abut Game of Thrones and Shakespeare. It was a struggle.

I stare out the window pretending I'm in a dramatic movie and I see the school. The driver waits for kids to cross the street, and then we stop infront of the school. She opens the door and I jump out of my seat almost forgetting my coffee. I walk jump out off the bus in my cute outfit. I am known for my extravegant style. I'm wearing a red circle skirt, a black and white striped capped shirt, and my nude heels from Forever 21 I bought last week. School shopping is the only thing I look forward for school. I always get asked if I'm a teacher because I dress so nice, or some people say prefessional. However, most of the teachers here dress like they don't believe in flipping a lightswitch on.

I walk up the stairs outside towards the side door on the right because the main door are too congested with annoying teenagers who act like their bestfriends died and came back to life. No, you probably talked to them yesterday.

I see my friend Michele and I run up to her. She's a year younger than me, but I still love her. Age is but a number.

"Mom! I missed you!" she screams.

"Mom! I missed you too even though I talked to you this morning!" We have this thing when we call each other mom, don't judge.

Jesse, Michele's boyfriend walks up and kisses her. They're so cute.

"Celine! I have missed you!" he says and hugs me. Jesse is literally the male version of me. We both love theatre, Jennifer Lawrence, and book series. But he is also John's brother, ugh. But he's still like my own brother.

"Jesse, you look older than me. This is a problem," I say with a laugh. My closest friends are a year younger than me. It doesn't bother me though.

"Michele, where's Katie?" I ask. Katie is also in our little circle of friends.

"I just texted her. She said she's getting off her bus now. I see her! Hey Katie!" Michele yells as she waves her arms in the air and runs into her to give her a hug. It's weird because we all talk everyday and have seen each other plenty of times over the summer. We are all in theatre so we all have a special bond, even though Michele and Katie are more of the techie side and Jesse and I adore the stage.

Katie and Michele walk up the stairs towards us laughing.

"Celine, Jesse! I missed you, oh my gosh!" Katie says. Jesse and I both squeeze her to death and smile.

"I've missed you too," I say as the bell rings. We all walk in slowly. Ugh. Slowly. This is one of the reasons I hate this school. The students are morons who walk at the speed of -55 miles per hour. I yell," Can you just COME ON PEOPLE! I have places to go, and people to see!" Heads of idiots turn and stare at me, but they do move out of my way so my friends and I can get to our destination.

All four of us strut down the hallway and turn left towards the cafeteria. That's where we usually hang out before first period, but since it's the first day of school we have to go to homeroom to get our schedules. Since it's my senior year, and I have taken most of my required credits, I get to take fun classes.

We walk into the cafeteria to see Carly sitting at our usual table. Carly is also a junior, and also kind of in theatre. It's a sketchy subject. We all sit down in our usual seats and ask each other how our summer was, and then the bell rings. We get up and head towards our homeroom.

"Bye mom!" Michele says.

"Bye mom!" I reply.

I strut down the hallway with my heels clicking the floor, heads turning because they think I am a teacher. Morons, but yes I know I am hot stuff. I think to myself. Maybe that's why I don't have a boyfriend, I'm too hot to handle, or maybe this hotness stuff is all iin my had and I'm just flat out ugly. I laugh a bit out loud. I turn the corner towards my homeroom, and I see him. Andrew. Oh great. Last year, at the end of the year he played with my emotions like a game of ping pong. Who needs him? Not me. I walk into my homeroom, and think this will be the senior year of my dreams.

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