Chapter 7

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About 45 minutes pass, and my mother walks in the door looking miserable. She always looks like that when she picks up my younger sisters. Ellie is 10, and she is a pain. The twins, Rose and Lily, are very naggy. They make me miserable too. Hopefully I will be accepted to either NYC schools I'll be applying to, City College of New York City or the New School. I need to get out of here.

"What did they do now?" I ask while turning the volume down on Sex and the City.

"They're just complaing about how they didn't get the teachers they wanted, and I can't control that. I'm just sick of this," she complains. I really can not stand how much my mother complains about her children. She's the one who had them. I mean she has to understad that there will be a lot of baggage with us. I understand that they don't have to be complete idiots, but still their her problem and she needs to understand that (or at least discipline them).

"I'm sorry. Well you'll go to work and see all your friends. And I will be here being miserable with them," I say. I see Ellie eye balling me, then she gets up to run upstairs and cry. It's usual for her. She acts 5 instead of 10. My whole family wonders why she is so dramatic. I should be the only drama queen in this house. I am a theatre nerd after all.

"Celine they're not my friends. They are my co-workers, not friends. But my little 'Muscles' is working today, and Michael is too. I'll be sure to tell them you say hello," she says. My mother works at Target, and she is pretty much the popular employee that everyon knows. She goes to change in her red shirt and khakis, and does her hair. She rushes down the stairs so she isn't late, and tells Catelyn what she needs to make for dinner, pasta and garlic bread. Catelyn starts in the kitchen, and my mom leaves for work. We all wait for my father to come home. he's a marine and works on base until about 4:30, so he'll be here for dinner.

I go downstairs to my room, in the basement, and turn on the television to Sex and the City because my sisters took over the family room. It's one of my favorite episodes when Carrie is in Paris. I walk to my bathroom and take off my makeup. I put my hair up in a messy bun, and put on an old theatre cast t-shirt with yoga pants. I lay down on my bed and watch Sex and the City as I start texting Michele.

Mom, how was your first day?

She texts back:

Good mom. OMG Jesse was so cute today tho. But enough about my day. did you see Penn? Is that his name?

I text back and say,

Yeah, that's his name haha. And well he rides my bus. AND GET THIS. He lives really close to me. He rides my bus. And he sat next to me on the bus today omg. And I sneezed on him. I felt so bad. I'm such a sad person. Hahahaha.

I send the text, and then got a text from Andrew. What the heck does he want? He texts me 'Hey'. Well what do I do? I sang Ariana Grande's Probelm too much over the summer getting over him. I worked hard on this. I don't want my senior year to be miserable just like last year. But I don't want to be rude, However, there's Penn. I want something to happen. I unlock my phone and just look at the text. My thumbs do a little dance, and I just lock my phone. I open it again to Twitter, and tweet Penn.

First day ended with sneezing on @PennBade96. What a good way on ending it hahaha.

Was that too risky? I guess not, because I get a notifictaion saying that he Favorited and Retweeted it! I open the app, and I get another notification saying that he mentioned me.

@NYCelinex It was a plessure getting sneezed on by you.

I grab a pillow and scream into it. It's just a tweet, but it's something. I hear my sisters screaming and yelling. I rush upstairs and tell them to go in their rooms. They are all so ridculous. I walk into the kitchen and see Catelyn making dinner. She's making pasta and garlic bread. I look over at the clock. It's 4:15. My dad should be here soon, and then I can get him to sign my syllabi. I steal some pasta from the strainer, and go back in my room. My pug, Muffin, is laying on my bed curled up in a ball. I pat his head, and go to the bathroom.

I stare at myself in my large bathroom mirror that takes up the whole wall. I hear my phone beep, but I just ignore it. I just stare into my eyes and think. I think about how this school year needs to be different. I can't let the past repeat. I splash some water onto my face, and head into the shower. I just need to cleanse my body from school germs. I was in the locker room for while too. I get undressed, step into my shower, and turn on the water. I start singing Don't Rain On My Parade . I wash my hair wth my special horse shampoo because it's suppose to grow hair faster, and it actually is working. I wash my face again because my face gets really oily, and then I just sit in my shower. I close my eyes and belt out the last few lyrics of Don't Rain On My Parade. I stand up, rinse off, and step out and dry off. I walk around my room in a towel, and my hair up in a towel too. I check my phone, and it's Andrew again. He wants to talk. I sit down on my bed in my towels, and my mind just ponders. I decide to answer him and say,

What do you want?

He texts back and responds,

We haven't talked in a while.

I roll my eyes, and just say to him,

Yes, lets leave it that way.

I throw my phone on my bed. I don't want to talk to him. He was like a repeat of John, but not as indepth. He toyed around with me. He liked to pop up and act like nothing changed between the 2 weeks he last talked to me. I can't go back to that. I refuse. I put some pajamas on, and braid my hair to the side. I usually eat dinner in my pajamas because I don't go anywhere after, I always stay home. It's really awful. I walk back into the bathroom and take my contacts out. I put my glasses on and head up to the dining room. My dad is home and taking off his boots. All my sisters are at the table,ready to eat. I sit down as my dad sits. We pray, and then we eat.

It's 9:30 at night, and I put my signed papers in my binder to turn in the next A Day. My dad signed them after dinner. He complained about his day at work, and then went upstais to do even more work. I pick out my outfit for the next day ouf school. It's like the second first day. I say second because I have different classes tomorrow. A days and B days are days with four different classes. We switch each day. I watch Orange Is The New Black, and when that ends, I turn on my alarm for 5:05am, and go to sleep.

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