Chapter 2

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        I walk to my seat next to my adorable friend Kenni. She's wearing a short fluffy pink skirt, white tights, a flowy, cotton candy blue shirt, different colorul bracelets, pink heels, and her racy red hair is curled. I met Kenni my freshman year, she also auditioned for the dance team.  We have been friends ever since. 

        "Nini, I missed you so much! How is everything? Did you see Kayleigh?" I ask. As you have noticed I have nicknames for my friends, and Kayleigh is her girlfriend. She became a dancer our sophmore year, but now she's in Kentucky for college. 

        "Oh my Celinini I missed you too. Oh and yeah! I did get to see her over the summer. Oh she just texted me now," she says with a smile, and checks her phone. Relationships are literally everywhere, I sigh a little too loud. 

        Our homeroom teacher shushes, very rudely, everyone down to make some announcements. I have been here long enough to know what is happening today. We get our schedules we go to our first period A day class. Then second, then we have our hour lunch, then the last two classes. So I just ignore her and check my phone. I go on my E!News app, and see the latest stories. Miley Cyrus is pregnant, Oh great, another one we need in the world. Lea Michele with her new boyfriend. Although I still miss Cory everyday, I am glad to see her happy, and I know she'll always love him. 

        As I continue scrolling, my teacher, Mrs.McCormmick, spits out,

        "Celine, put your phone away! God people, we are already misbehaving on the first day? You're suppose to be seniors, and you're acting like middle schoolers.Okay, here are your schedules for the first semester, please don't lose them, or just copy them into your planner or something." I get my schedule, already knowing what classes I'm taking. Today I have Dance, Theatre 3, then lunch, AP Literature, and gymnastics. Wow such an easy day. 

       After she passes all of the schedules out, she sits down and turns on the scrolling announcements on the SMART Board in the front of the classroom. It starts off with the name of our school, Arendale High School, and the principal's name in the corner, Principal Shannon Stracken. Then the announcements scroll through information like whats for lunch, clubs, the usual. I start talking to Kenni because we both really don't pay attention.

        "Kenni, what do you have on your schedule? Obviously we'll have dance company class together," I say and smile. We both swap our schedules and scan thorugh them. We do have dance company, and even though I'm not really on it anymore, the instructor, Jenn, still allows me to be on it because we're all basically family. 

        I notice that we only have that and AP Lit together, well at least we have some classes together. We pass our shcedules back, and that is when the bell rings for our first period. Kenni and I both get up and we walk to the locker room.


        I see all my old dance friends, Mikayla, Marcie, and Krystal. Well I don't really know if Krystal and I are even friends at all. She unfollowed me on Twitter, and blocked me on Instagram. It's typical from her though, she's always so moody, even when someone is innocent like me.

        "Celine, hi! How was your summer?" Mikayla asks as she hugs me. If someone asks me one more time how my summer was I might just stab them with my heel. I'm boring, I don't have exciting summers.

        "Oh it was good," I lie. "How was yours?"

        "Great! I went to Florida to see my grandparents," she says. How typical. A female P.E. teacher opens the door to the locker room and we all rush in. It doesn't smell as bad as it usually does because no one has really been in it, but it wil come back in time. 

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