Chapter 3

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        We all sit down in our usual spots. I sit between Jack and Julia, Michele sits between Jesse and Katie, and Max sits next to Jack. I ask Julia if she has seen the new kid in my grade. 

        "No, Wait was it the boy you was staring at?" she smirks. 

         "Staring? I wasn't staring!" I say sarcastically. I knew I was staring. That boy was perfection, and I'll take every chance I can get to see him.

        "But what about Andrew? I thought you guys had something going on?"

        "Yeah right. That boy was not even worth it. He would talk to me for a day, then ignore me for two weeks. So I just flat out stopped talking him." 

        "You go girl, I understand. He treated you kind of shitty. We need to find you a boyfriend." Julia says. Well, yes I know. I want a perfect senior year. I don't want it to be like the last three years.

        I sigh. "I know. I know. I really want my senior year to be perfect."

        "Celine," Max intterupts. He hands me his Gatorade. I smile. I always smell my friends' Gatorade. I have no idea how this even started, I just did. So I smell it. Ah, fruit punch, yes. I pass it back to him, and he starts back his conversation with Jack and Jesse. Michele and Katie start laughing, so I chime in with their conversation.

        "Why are you two laughing? I want to laugh too."

        "Okay, so we were just talking about our Spanish class," Katie explains. They both must know of the perfect boy. "Hahaha, during the icebreakers our teacher was singing 5SOS reall badly, but then Michele and I started singing along and he pulled us up to the front of the class, and we literally belted out the lyrics."

        "It was so funny, I was crying," Michele added.

Then I see Josh walk in. He's one of Katie's best friends. I have always shipped them, even though I had a crush on him all last year. Josh sits next to Katie and Julia.

        "Hi Celine, you look like a teacher today, just like everyday," Josh says jokingly. I look at him, straight face and all. I do not look like a teacher. I look like a New Yorker.

            He continues,"Oh but a very sassy teacher."

        "Good enough," I say and smile. Josh is really everything any girl would want. He's on the swim team, he's gorgeous, and he's so humble, but hilarious. I have no idea why he's still single.


        The last few minutes pass by the first half of Bobcat hour, and finally the bell rings for the second half to start. We all get up, move the desks back to where they origannly were, and head for the cafeteria to eat our lunch. I usually don't eat lunch because force of habit. Plus I am way too lazy to make a lunch at home, especially when I get home around 2:30 so I can eat everything from my pantry.

        Jack usually leaves to go to God knows where, but the rest of us go to our usual table in the back of the cafeteria near the windows. All of us are really into routined things. We have our usual seats in every room. Everyone starts to unpack their lunch and digs in. Jesse has the most ridiculous Harry Potter lunchbox, but I respect it because if I were to have a Hunger Games lunchbox I would show it off everyday. I steal a few grapes from Michele's lunch and finish her sandwich, I was kind of hungry today. The coffee didn't fill me up like it usually does.

        "So Max, you're a junior now. You turned down Jackie for her prom last year, you have to go this year," I say.

        "I don't know. I'm still not into that sort of thing."

        "You're killing me here. Are you telling me that if a nice, pretty girl asked you out on a date, you would say no?" I ask. I can see Katie blushing. 

        "I mean, I don't know if I would say no. I just would have to think about it. I always have to think things through. You know me Dave." Okay, I know what you're thinking. Why on earth is Max calling me Dave. Well, his excuse is that for him saying "Celine" is too hard, and it's too long. So for about a year now, that is what he calls me, and I respond. 

        "I'll get through to you soon enough so you don't waste away your junior year like me," I say. Which is so true. I just didn't try. I was always at home, not being social and venturing out in the world. I know I'm in high school, but I just always felt so alone. I am not making that mistake this year. I want that romance. I want that lead role, and I want to be social, and stay off the internet. Okay, not really I need my tumblr time.

        "Guys, last night I was so nervous for today, being the first day of school and all, I didn't get any sleep. So I got up and did a 5 minute plank, but I fell asleep on the floor," Michele says. Everyone starts laughing. Michele is known for her weird home antics. She was offered a joint by a complete stranger while walking to a Subway, and when she was selling Girlscout cookies with our friend Katherine during Halloween, she asked a creepy man if he wanted any, but he said he wanted the pink crayon to give them to him (Kathrine was dressed as a pink crayon). I love her stories so much. 

        "What classes do you have next?" Jesse asks everyone. We all go around the table saying what classes we have the rest of the day, and as it coms back to me the bell rings. I don't annswer because we all get up and head for the crowded hallway. As we head out the doorway they all head left as I go right towards F-Hall for my next class, AP Lit. I hear Michele scream,

        "Bye Mom!"         

        "Bye Mom!" I say back. People must think we are crazy because we call eachother mom. It's just biologically inaccurate. 

As I am walking toward my next class, I spot that green backpack. I keep my eyes on it to see if he's heading to my destination, but I get him lost in a sea of slow walkers and mouth breathers. Maybe if I were to click my heels harder and louder they would all think I am a teacher and move out of my way. So I do, and it works. Although I lost the dream boy, I'm not late for my class. 

        I walk in and see the teacher writing on the board, and see a seating chart. I notice Kenni's name is far from mine, and my friend Leah's is as well. Oh great. Now I'm not even with my friends. My name is in a square box on the screen in the third row, third seat up from the front of the room. I sit between a girl that I remember from my Pre Calc class last year, and a boy named Penn Bade. I have never heard of him before. And soon enough I see my dream boy walk thorugh the doorway, look at the screen, and sit next to me. That's him.

Penn Bade.

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