Chapter 9

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It's Saturday morning, and I wake up to look at the clock on my table near my bed. It's 9 o'clock. I never wake up this early on a weekend. Maybe my body is used to waking up early because of school. I get up, put on my slippers, go to the bathroom, and wash my face. After I finish, I walk up the stairs to the kitchen and make some coffee.

"Good morning Celine," my dad says. I just look at him and nod. I am lifeless when I wake up. It takes me about ten minutes to get myself together in the morning.

After my coffee is ready, I go to the dining table and check my phone. I was in a group message last night with Michele, Jesse, and Katie, but I fell asleep. I read the messages I missed last night. It's nothing important, but I read it anyways because they might talk about it on Monday, and I don't want to feel left out.

I walk to the couch, coffee in hand and slippers dragging, and plop down. I turn on the TV and start watching a World War II documentary. I love the history of this war, and especially the Holocaust. I know what you're thinkingーCeline that's vulgar. What is wrong with you? Well, I also find the history of the Klu Klux Klan interesting as well, and religious cults too.

I feel my phone vibrate on my lap. I got a text from Penn. He asks if I wanted watch The Hunger Games and Catching Fire today. I run upstairs to my parent's room and ask my mom.

"Mother, can I go to my friend'a house today to watch The Hunger Games and Catching Fire?"

"Who? Do I have to drive you far?" She complains and exasperates.

"No," I sigh. "He lives right down the street."

"He?" She asks, and sounds nervous.

"Um, yes? His name is Penn, and he's a new student."

"Fine. Be home by six so you can eat dinner."

"Thank you!"

I walk out, and down the stairs. I walk into the kitchen, and put my mug into the sink. I take out my phone and text him:

What time should I be there :)

He texts back:

As soon as possible!

I rush down the stairs, and wash my face again. I always need to have my face perfectly clean before I put my makeup on. I look through my closet to find something nice to wear. I don't want to be too dressed up. It's bot school, so I don't have to try that hard. But it is Penn. I should look nice, but not too nice. This is really difficult. I decide to wear cuffed jeans, a black tank top, a black cardigan, and a thin red infinity scarf. I sit at my desk and put my makeup on. I flat iron my hair, then I put my New York City charm bracelet on. I put on my black TOMS, and I leave my house.

I cross walk down the sidewalk, an cross the street. I turn left, and his house is the second house on the street. I walk up the concrete steps, and ring the doorbell. Penn answers the door.

"Hi Celine! Come in,"

I walk in and take off my shoes. He motions me with his hand to follow him, so I do. I pass by the kitchen where his mom is making coffee.

"Oh, gosh. Penn I didn't know your friend was coming over now. I could've gotten ready!" she says, and gasps.

"Oh, I'm sorry! I can come at a different time."

"Noー" she starts, but then Penn interrupts.

"No, you're fine. It's okay," he says to me. His mom smiles.

"Well, hello Celine. You can call me Lily."

I smile, and nod. Penn grabs my arm, and says, "Come on!"

We go down the stairs to his basement. His house is set up like mine, but instead of a bedroom, his family uses it as a den. I sit down on the big sectional couch. Penn walks over to a long counter, a bar.

"Do you want anything? I have lemonade, root beer, ummm water.." he asks as he looks through a mini fridge near the doorway.

"I like lemonade." I say.

"Okay, one lemonade coming up."

He pulls out a bottle if lemonade for me, and then one for himself. there's a microwave next to the fridge, and it starts beeping. He pulls out a big bag of popcorn, and pours it into a big red bowl. He walks over and sits next to me.

"I already have the movie in, so I wouldn't have to awkwardly put the DVD in," he says.

"Haha, okay. But before it starts, where is a bathroom?" I ask, and he points up the stairs and says to turn right. I get up and walk up the stairs and go into the bathroom. I see if my hair is okay, and check my makeup. I flush the toilet so I don't sound awkward, you know. I need to sound I like I went to the bathroom. I walk back down, and he pushes play.

We are at the point where Cato is strangling Peeta on the Cornucopia. My phone vibrates, and I check it. Michele texted me. I open the text, and it says:

Celine, something is really wrong.

I hesitate, and Penn notices. He turns to me and says, "Celine, are you okay?"

"Oh, um. Yeah I'm okay. my friend is some kind of trouble. Do you mind if I call her?"

"Yeah, sure. No problem!"

I get up and walk out of the room. I call Michele, she answers quickly.

"Celine, I am freaking out!" she cries.

"Michele, what is wrong? What happened?"


My phone drops to the floor.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2014 ⏰

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