Chapter 4

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As the group arrived at the village the women took the Evy and Lucy away to dress. While they were dressing, Rick and Jonathan went to buy camels for the journey. Jonathan argued with the camel trader until Rick spoke up.

"Will you just pay the man!" He demanded.

"Alright! I can't believe the price of these fleabags!" He shouted when handing him the money.

"We could have had them for free. All we had to do was hand over one of your sisters," Rick joked.

"Yes, awfully tempting wasn't it," Jonathan said back to him. As they walked with the camels, Rick spots the Carnahan sisters. He first looks at Evy then to Lucy, not releasing he stopped to look at her.

"Awfully," he says as Lucy looks at him, giving him a smile, then bowing her head as she blushed. As the sisters walked toward their brother and Rick as they all got onto the camels.


They started to travel across the desert for a couple of hours. It was quiet when they were traveling, until Jonathan opened his mouth.

"Never did like camels. Filthy buggers. They smell, they bite, they spit. Disgusting!" Jonathan complained as Lucy just rolled her eyes.

"I think they're adorable," Evy said as she ruffled the camel's head. Evy and Lucy shared a smile before the warden interrupted them with his awful singing. Lucy, again, rolled her eyes as she tried to ignore it.

"I swear I'm going to go deaf if he keeps singing!" She complained as Rick gave her a smile and a laugh. They continued through the desert, getting closer to Hamunaptra by the minute.


As night fell, Evy and the warden were asleep, as well as Jonathan as he hit the warden with his whip every now and then. Lucy was starting to fall asleep, as she started falling off before Rick helped her sit upright and telling the camel to shush, so she doesn't wake. As Rick stayed awake as he looked slightly behind to see men in black on horses as they watched him closely.


Just before the sunrise, they all awoke to find that they had stopped, with the Americans beside them.

"Good morning, my friend," Benni said in a 'happy' voice.

"What the hell are we doing?!" Daniels said impatiently.

"Patience, my good man, patience," Beni said as he glanced at the man.

"Remember our bet, 'Connell? First one to the city, 500 cash bucks." Henderson said to Rick

"A hundred of them is yours if you help us win that bet." Daniels then said to Benni.

"My pleasure," he replied as he looked at the five with a grin.

"Hey O'Connell. Nice camel," Benni said trying to tease Rick. Rick just patted the camel's head.

"Get ready for it." Rick said as he looked towards where the sun was about to rise.

"For what?" Lucy asked as she looked to where he was looking.

"We're about to be shown the way," he says back not taking his eyes off where he was looking. Everyone looked as the sun rose, as right before their eyes Hamunaptra appeared.

"Here we go again," The four heard Rick say. As the whole city was shown, everyone rode to the city like there was no tomorrow. In front of Lucy and Evy was Benni and Rick as they hit each other with their whips before Rick grabbed Benni.

"So long Benni," he said to Benni as he threw him off his camel.

"Well that serves you right," Lucy says as her and Evy rode past him and laughed. The sisters caught up with Rick who looked at them surprisingly. Just as they approached, Lucinda's camel took off at high speed without stopping.

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