Chapter 5

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"According to these Hieroglyphics, we're underneath the statue. We should come up right between his legs." Evy says as she steps up onto a small statue as Lucy lets out a small giggle. Rick was hitting the roof with a pickaxe and a sledge hammer, Jonathan giving him them as he switched from one to another.

"When those damn yanks go to sleep... No offense," Jonathan said as the girls started to dig at the roof.

"None taken."

"We'll dig our way up and steal that book right out from underneath them," Jonathan continues as he switched tools with Rick.

"Are you sure we can find this secret compartment?" Rick asked.

"Yes, those beastly Americans haven't beaten us to it. No offense," Lucy said as she continued to dig.

"None taken." Rick replies.

"Hey where did our smelly little friend go?" Jonathan asked as he looked around.


They decided to take a break as the sisters told Rick the process of mummification while Jonathan played his own version of golf.

"So let me get this straight. They ripped out your guts and stuffed them in jars," Rick said to Evelyn, who was sitting next to him, and to Lucinda, who was pacing in front of them.

"And they take your heart, ooh, and you know how they took out brains?" Evy said in excitement as Rick just looked at her with wide eyes.

"Evy, Lucy, I don't think we need to know this," Jonathan said as Lucy rolled her eyes at him.

"They took a sharp red-hot pocket, stick it up through your nose, scramble things around a bit and then rip it all through your nostrils," Lucy said as she mimed the process in front of her.

"Oh, that's gotta hurt!" Rick said as he held his nose.

"It's called mummification, you'll be dead when they do this." Lucy said as she takes a seat beside Rick.

"For the record, if I don't make it out of here, don't put me down for mummification," Rick said as he glanced over at Jonathan.

"Likewise," Jonathan replied as he hit another rock. Once he hit the rock, a heavy box fell from the ceiling in front of them. Lucy looked shocked as she realized if she didn't move when she did, she would have been crushed.

"Oh my god, it's a sarcophagus, buried at the base of Anubis," Evy said as she coughed and everyone's eye's gazing up at the ceiling.

"He must have been someone of great importance," Evy said as she gazed at the sarcophagus.

"Or he did something very naughty," Lucy said as she looked at Rick. They started to brush the sand off it wondering who was buried inside.

"Well who is it?" Jonathan said as he walked closer to it.

"He that shalt not be named," Evy said as she finished dusting. They all looked at each other, before Rick blew away sand that covered a certain shape.

"This looks like some sort of lock," Rick said as he pointed at the shape that was indented in the sarcophagus.

"Well, whoever's in here, sure wasn't getting out," Jonathan said as he leaned forward to look at it.

"Yeah no kidding, it'll take a month to crack into this thing without a key." Rick says as he looks up from the lock.

"A key? A key! A key! Now that's what he was talking about!" Evy said as she leaned down to look for something in the bag.

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