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What should I do?

"Ofcourse you have to chase her, idiot!" I scold myself and start to run toward Mina. Me being myself, I ran passed Sana and left her behind. As I get my ran pace faster, I can see Mina is going to the gate of the school.

I can't lose her

This thinking kept the strength in my feet. The God must listen to my pray. I catch her up, grabbed her arm and turn her around. She pushed me off but I kept held her both arms.

"Go away!"

I held her both wrists, "I love you Mina-ya.. Please listen to me.." I pleaded to her that I didn't realize my tears are falling down now. The other students who just came start to stand around us. But Mina seems doesn't care about the situation and keep pushing me away. I pulled her and hugged her, ofcourse she didn't replied my hug, instead she punch my chest, stomach and my back repeatedly. Tightening my hug and caressing her hair, "Please listen to me?"

She punched me, once, twice, thrice, the last punched hit my stomach that I lost my breath a bit. I gasped a bit and Mina realized this. She stopped her punches, and pulled away from the hug and look at me.

"Ch-chaeyoung-a.. S-s-sorry.."

I grabbed her wrist and dragged her to the more isolated place than here. I'm glad that she punched me hardly that she wanted to listen to me now and just follow me wherever I dragged her. As we arrived at the hill behind the school, I turn to her and cupped her face make her facing me as she kept her head down.

"Mina-ya.. Listen to me." she started to stare at me and the tears on her face. It hurts me, it hurts me even more cause the causes of her tears is me. I hurt her. I take a deep breath and exhaled it shakily. I never felt this weak beside that night incident. It stressed me out. I really don't wanna lose her.

"I'm sorry. I did kissed her." I said and I can see Mina's mouth that before is holding on to not cry, now is making a rectangle shaped as she cried loudly and hiccuped a little bit.

"I-I-I'm sorry.. But, I promised you. It's just a goodbye kiss. Mina, please believe me." I keep wiping her tears that falling down uncontrollably. It hurts me even more. I feel my stomach like being twisted a little bit. I gasped at how hurt it was but keep my pokerface so that Mina won't realized it.

After a little bit of silence between us, only our cry sound that filled the air, Mina slowly nodded her head. "Do you believe me?" I said and can't keep my excitement hide from my face, she replied me again with her nod. I pulled her and let her buried her face on my neck. She hugged my waist and I hug her neck while caressing her hair.

"Thank you, for believing me. I'm sorry, for hurting you."

She nodded again. I can't feel more contented than this.

"Did it... Hurt?

She asked me caught me off guard,"What do you mean?" I said while keep caressing her. Her hair's scent are similar with strawberries, her body just can warm me up and my heart up. She complete me.

"I punched you.." I can't help myself but giggling at her.

"W-what.." she asked me and keep her arm circling my waist.

"Not even a bit. How can you be so weak, huh? Hahaha." I joke at her and she pulled away glaring at me. She make her hands into a fist and punched my shoulder.


"Merong!" she said while stucking her tounge out and started to run away. I don't know that we can make up this fast. I run try to catch her. Again, me being me, I can catch her in no time and hugged her from behind. She keep trying to get away from my hug, I just tightening my hug even more. I told you right, I won't lose her. She's laughing so hard. Her laugh, is a music to my ear. Her face, her voice, her laugh, her eyes, her plump lips, her gummy smile, and especially herself. I love everything about her. We are just having fun until that twisting feeling kicked my stomach again. My stress before must make my acid in my stomach increase. I hold my stomach and slowly let go off the hug.

Mina turned around and look at me holding my stomach tight, "Chaeng, what's wrong?" she asked while holding my shoulder. I started to kneel down as the twisting feeling is getting worse everytime.

"Nothing. Just stomachache." I said managing my smile at her. But my body betrayed me. The twisting got even worse making me groan and fall to the ground.

"Chaeng?? Chaeyoung-a!" Mina shook my body and try to lift me up until I see a boy coming from far running toward us. I narrowed my eyes to take a good look at the boy and it's Baekhyun.

"C'mon, I'll bring you to the infirmary." he said while lifting me up in a bridal style and started to run toward the school building.

Cold sweats started to formed on my forehead, "Mi.. Mina.."

Baekhyun turn his head to his back for a little and stare me back, "She's on our back. Don't worry."

I tried to took a look at her and I can see she's running with that horrified face on her. I think I hurt her again. What's wrong with me. Why I keep hurting her. She's crying again. The twisting feeling kicked me hard this time as I groaned in Baekhyun's hug.

"Please please, wait for a bit. We'll arrived soon." he said while breathing hard. I can see some people's murmuring as we passed by, Baekhyun keep his running well make me bounce up and down.

"It's okay, we'll arrive soon." he keep saying that while running. After 2 minutes running, finally we arrived at the infirmary and Baekhyun slammed the door open with her leg.

"Please! Someone! Treat her!" he said while panicking amd put me slowly on the bed. I can't even straighten my feet as the twisting feeling is hurting me so much. The nurse came to me and examine my forehead, "No fever. Do you have ulcer?" she said while looking for something from the cabinet. I nodded my head and not long Mina came and dashed toward me. I can see she's worried at me. Her tears. Again, it's because of me.

The nurse went back to me, "Please move aside for a bit." she said to Mina. I want to punched her for saying that to Mina but my stomach just won't allow me. She opened the wrap of the medicine, take the glass with water and told me to drink it. She told me to straighten my feet but I just shook my head, she sighed, "Okay, atleast take the medicine and drink this water. You have to drink water more, it will neutralize your acid." I weakly reached for the medicine and the glass, Mina helped to sit up and helped me to drink my medicine. I laid down again and the nurse keep telling me to straighten my body and relaxed. I slowly straighten my feet and lift my arms beside my head and try to breath slowly. Slowly, the twisting feeling is getting much better. I turn my head to Mina and touch her cheek, "I must've scared you?" she shook her head crying. "Ey, liar." I smiled at her to show her that I'm okay now. I look at Baekhyun who standing behind Mina, "Yo, thanks."

Baekhyun nodded his head and smiled at me. Not long after that, I heard a big crash on the door and shouting.

"CUB! TIGER! WHERE ARE YOU!?" It's Moonbyul.

"I'm here." she turned her head and dashed toward me while spreading her arms try to hug me when Mina blocked her. "Stop, she's sick." I giggled at her behaviour. Moonbyul take a step back and covering her mouth with her both hands dramatically. Seulgi then coming after Moonbyul. She walked to me slowly. I know this expression.

"Sorry, bear."

Baekhyun POV

Thanks God I always following her everywhere and everytime. If I don't followed her, she won't be like this now. Mina should be more useful as her girlfriend. Hah, I can't believe they are dating. I think I have told her that she's mine only. She's cheating on me.

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