Chapter 1

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It was already 5:34pm and I had to be at my bartending job at The Drop by 4:30 to start setting up for the evening. I was more than an hour late! Scrambling to get ready, I checked my phone. 6 missed calls from Katie and 4 text messages from Luke. Great. 

"Jason is going to kill me." I muttered. 

 Still putting on my jeans, I raced to the bathroom for a quick fix of mascara and eyeliner. I pulled my hair up into a messy bun and straightened out my shirt. It would have to do. Running, I grabbed my keys, phone, and wallet and raced out the door. I had spent so much time focusing on what happened yesterday that I completely lost track of time. Whatever, I was going to have to push it all aside and forget about it for tonight. I jumped in my car and sped off to work. 


I rushed through the door to Luke and Katie getting ready for tonight. Luke was setting up his turn tables and putting his playlist together. He was slim guy, tattoo sleeves on both arms, and shaggy, layered "skater" hair. Normally, he would be my type but he was such an arrogant jerk that I was completely unattracted to him. You see we had this love-hate relationship, he loved to tease me and I hated him for it. He glanced up from behind the computer screen. 

 "Look who finally decided to show up!" Luke said sarcastically.  

 I shot him a dirty look and began to help Katie finish setting up the bar and cleaning the counter. Katie was in her late 20's, around 28 or 29, I couldn't tell for sure because she never wanted to tell her age. She was a very friendly person, one who could start a conversation with anyone, and had a desperate need to take care of others. She had the biggest heart I knew of.

 "So what happened this time?" Katie asked, a concerned look in her eyes. Damn, she already knew something was wrong.

 I had been in such a rush that I pushed everything that happened last night away, to another part of my brain. But it all came flooding back in an instant. Tears started to well up as I began to tell her, but I choked them back down. 

 "I caught Isaac last night...with a, with another girl." I stammered. 

 "Oh honey, no!" she sighed. "I always knew he was a douchebag." I wish I could have seen that too, I thought to myself. "You know, tonight's supposed to be our busiest night and I don't think you're up for it." She paused. "Why don't you take the night off? I can call in Daniel or Sarah to cover your shift." 

 "But Katie, Jason is already going to kill me for being so late! I can't just take the night off!" 

Jason was the owner of The Drop, making him the boss of all of us. He was probably in his early 30's, blond, and always dressed professionally. And let me tell you, he had an anger management problem. It was either his way or the highway.

 "Well first of all, what Jason doesn't know won't hurt him. He's not even in London this week, and since I'm in charge..." she shoots me a wink. 

"Thanks so much Katie, I owe you!" I replied. At least I could enjoy myself and had the night to keep my mind off things.


I could live like this forever, I thought. The blasting music, flashing lights, and rhythm beating in my chest. Everyone was having a great time tonight and dancing their hearts out on the enormous, crowded dancefloor. Luke was going crazy hardcore in the dj booth and there were even a couple guest rappers up on the stage with him. I stepped outside for a smoke break, the cool air sending goosebumps up my legs and pulled a pack of Lucky Strike cigarettes out of my leather jacket, placing a crisp, new cig between my lips. I patted my pockets for my lighter, but I can't find it. It must have fallen out somewhere on the dance floor.

"Well shit."  

 As I start to turn around to go ask someone to light me up, when someone's voice startles me. 

 "Do you need a lighter?" he says to me, chuckling.  

 Before I can make a sarcastic response, I turn to see the most beautiful man I've ever seen in my life, smirking at me. He was dressed in a plaid flannel shirt, baggy jeans, and all white converse. 

 "Here" he says, lighting up my cigarette and then his own. 

 "Thanks." I stammer, staring into his big brown eyes. It's the only word I can manage to say.  

 "So, what's your name?" he asks curiously. 

 "Kat," I say. "And you?"  


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