Chapter 5

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We finally arrive back at my flat and walk up to the front door so I can let us inside.

"Kat?" Zayn says, looking down at the ground nervously and fidgeting with the hem of his shirt collar. He looked so darn cute when he was distressed.

"Yeah? What is it?" I ask trying not to sound to excited.

Just before he starts to answer, his cell phone goes off.

"Uh, give me one second." He says with a grin. Oh my god, he sure knew how to make my heart skip a beat.

"Of course, I'll be inside." I say returning his smile.

I put my key in the lock and jiggle the handle. Man, we should really get that fixed. Leaving the door slightly open, I walk into the living room to see my roommate, Rebecca, lounging on the couch watching reruns of Oprah. That was definitely one of the reasons why she was my best friend. Rebecca was a little bit taller than me and also a year older than me, but I swear she was my other half, you know, in a best friend kind of way. She had long, brown hair that she always kept curled and big hazel eyes. We had our differences but somehow, we had the strongest friendship of anyone I knew.

"Hey girl, you're home late. How was work?" She asked before shoving a handful of popcorn in her mouth.

I sighed while I put my keys on one of the hooks on a small rack by the front door.

"Well, it was very...eventful, to say the least." I say.

"Oooh, so there was drama?" She says quickly sitting up, crossing her legs in a yoga position. Rebecca still didn't know Isaac and I had broken up and I didn't feel like explaining everything when Zayn was still here.

"Yeah, there was a big fight outside the club tonight and Isaac was the one who started it."

"No way! He's always getting..." She pauses, tilting her head to look at the front door. "Who's that?" She asks, with a curious grin on her face and an eyebrow raised.

I turn to see Zayn pacing on our front step, still talking on his phone just outside of the door.

"Well, that's Zayn" I respond knowing she was going to freak out when she realized who it was.

"He's cute! Wait..." She pauses, her mouth dropping open.

"Yeah, we have a lot to talk about tonight." I say with a giggle. If only she knew the half of what went on tonight.

Our front door begins to creak open a little, Zayn peeking in at us.

"Hey Kat," Zayn says, now standing in the doorway. "What's your address?"

"Oh, it's 50 Sandbrook Road." I say a little caught off guard.

He smiles back at me. "Thanks! My friend is a little...well, direction impaired." He says with a chuckle and slips back outside, closing the door slightly.

I turn back to Rebecca, who has a huge grin plastered on her face. Oh my god, I hope she wasn't planning on doing something embarrassing. She had a real habit for doing that, you know.

"You should tap that!" She says with a overly dramatic wink.

"Becca!" I could feel my face start to blush. Damn it, she knew for sure how much I liked him now!

"You know you want to!" She says teasingly. Good lord, I knew she was right. Zayn and I had just met but I already felt something with him that was just so right, and well, normal. But did he feel the same way? Or was I just another girl to him? "So, what exactly did Isaac do this time?" she says, completely changing the subject and bringing me back to reality and out of my thoughts.

I could feel the smile fade from my face.

"He, well he's...I'm just done with him. I'll tell you later, okay?" I say, struggling to find the words. If I wanted to tell her about everything that happened, there would be a serious crying session and a dire need for a pint ice cream.

Rebecca just nods knowingly and then adds, "Well you better go check on Mr. Sexy Hair. He's probably wondering why you haven't kissed him yet." and she can't help but  follow her statement with a wink.

I just roll my eyes, but can't help smiling. She always knew how to make me feel better.

I step out onto the doorstep, the cooler air feels great on my skin. Zayn is on the sidewalk, just a couple of steps away, and presently clicks the 'End Call' button on his phone. He looks up and smiles when he sees me, then starts to walk back toward me. Instantly, the butterflies are back and my heart begins to race.

"Hey, sorry that took so long." He says as he gets closer to me. "My friend is an idiot."

We both let out a little chuckle.

"It's okay, I have a couple of those friends too." I say smiling.

He smiles back at me and moves even closer, taking my hands in his. His touch makes my heart beat a little faster and that knot in my stomach grow bigger. This boy, I swear.

Out of nowhere, a set of blinding headlights shine on us. What the...? I lift one one my hands to shield my eyes as I see the car parking on the street in front of the flat. It's a black Range Rover. Immediately the driver rolls down the window. He is pretty adorable, and has some really curly hair.

"Well hello there guys! Am I interrupting something?" He says with a cheeky smile, knowing he really is interupting something.

"Shut up Harry! Just give me a minute." Zayn yells back at him obviously annoyed, and then turns back around to me. "Just ignore him" He says with a chuckle.

"Oh, just get her number already!" Harry says looking up and covering his face with his hands, acting dramatic. He then shoots me a wink and I start to giggle as I feel my cheeks get warm too. Maybe Zayn does like me? I turn my head back to Zayn, giving him my number and while he types it into his phone.

"I really like you a lot, Kat." he stammers. "Thanks for everything you did tonight." He continues, giving me a kiss on the cheek. His lips send tingles down my spine and makes my heart do a flip in my chest.

"I like you too, Zayn. And thanks for dealing with my crazy ex." I say with an appreciative smile. He smiles back and hugs me goodbye, before walking down the sidewalk to Harry's car. But before he gets too far, he turns back around, towards me.

"Can I see you again? Soon?" He asks with a hopeful smile on his face. It makes me grin too. He really did want to see me again, I wasn't just some other girl.

"Of course you can." I respond excitedly. Who wouldn't want to see that gorgeous facce again?

He walks over to the Range Rover by the curb and gets in.

"Bye lovely lady Zayn just met!" Harry shouts, waving goodbye with Zayn and they take off down the street.

I'm still soaking this night in, I can't believe everything that happened. I walk back toward the door and step inside. Rebecca is still on the couch, who I swear to God hasn't moved since I left her.

"So did you kiss him?" She says sitting up, with a coy smile on her face.

"No, his friend pulled up when we were about to. He kissed me on the cheek though." I say biting my lip. I felt so giddy, like a little school girl who had her first kiss or something.

"Well that's good enough for now, I guess." She says chuckling. "But, okay, you seriously need to tell me everything that happened tonight. Right now!"

She pats the spot next to her on the couch and I immediately sit down by her and tell her everything. Everything about Isaac and him cheating, work, meeting Zayn, the fight, the paparazzi, and what happened just now.

"I cannot believe Isaac! If I ever see him again, I'm gonna kick his ass!" She says curling her hands into fists and punching the air with a determined look on her face. We both laugh and then she says with a wink, "And as for Zayn, you two need to start making babies. Now." Oh my goodness, I love her. She always knows how to make me feel better.

She grabs both of my hands and squeezes them lovingly. "But seriously Kat, I know you like him a lot. I wouldn't let him get away. Maybe he's your Prince Charming, you know, your 'Lucky strike'."

Maybe he really is.

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