Chapter 3

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It was Isaac.

I could feel my stomach drop. What the hell did he think he was doing?

He stood by the back door, balling his hands into fists. I could recognize that man anywhere. He was about 6 foot and had a muscular built, brunette with stunning blue eyes, and obviously, had a very short temper.

“What the fuck are you doing Kat?!” He says, moving away from the doorway and walking towards us. “Who the hell is this?”

“I’m Zay-”

“I don’t fucking care who you are, why are you all over my girlfriend?!” Isaac says, cutting Zayn off. I should have known Isaac would pull a stunt like this. He can be such an asshole sometimes….okay, he was one all the time.

“Excuse me?!” I say frustrated, “First of all, I am NOT your girlfriend anymore and second of all, how dare you treat someone you just met this way! You’re being a complete ass right now, Isaac. I think you better leave.” Isaac had a bad anger management problem and knowing he could do something drastic, I had to get him to leave. Now.

I let go of Zayn and walked over to Isaac, grabbing his arm and pulling him back toward the rear enterance of The Drop. But all of a sudden, he shakes me off and rushes up to Zayn when, ‘BAM’, he punches him right in the face. I've witnessed Isaac in fights before, but nothing like this! Isaac keeps swinging at him, but Zayn swiftly gives him a good one in the jaw. Holy shit, this cannot be happening right now!

“Stop it you guys!” I scream as I’m running over to them. “Just stop!” I screech, trying to break them up. But it’s no use, they’re in a full out brawl. They shout insults to each other as they throw punches and scuffle toward the street. I’m still shouting at them when people start to come over towards us, hearing all the commotion. Isaac is grabbing onto the back of Zayn’s shirt while socking him in the stomach, when suddenly, Zayn whips around and punches him right in the face. He then gets Isaac in a headlock and keeps punching him in the stomach and chest. Eventually, Isaac gets himself free and they’re back to brawling.

“How could this get any worse?” I mutter, feeling so useless.

Two older men, probably around 27 or 28, go and begin to try and break them up as a crowd begins to form. Before I know it, there’s a whole group of people surrounding us. All of a sudden, bright lights start to flash. What the fuck is that about? I turn around to see a ton of people holding large cameras. OH SHIT. It’s the fucking paparazzi! How the… I turn to see two more men go help break up Zayn and Isaac, who are still swinging and throwing punches at each other. The four men manage to separate the two, who are now just yelling insults to one another.

I’m still in shock. How could this have happened? I knew Isaac to be the one to pull a stunt like this, but I still couldn't believe this happened. What the hell was Isaac thinking? He was the one that hurt me after all. The blood in my veins boiling, I run up to Isaac, who is still being held back by two of the men, and slap him in the face. Hard.

“How dare you. How fucking dare you.” I say, looking him straight in the eyes. “You have the nerve to come to my work, which I’ll probably get fired from because of you, get into a brawl with someone who you don’t even know just because I was talking to him, after you...” my voice cracks as tears sting my eyes and start to spill down my cheeks. “…after you cheated on me with some skank. You broke my heart, Isaac…”

“Kat, please. You know I love you! I didn’t mean to sleep with her, it was…it was an accident. I’m sorry. We’ve broken up how many times before? We can just work through this.” He says, cutting me off.

“I’m so sick of your bullshit!” I yell. I have never been so angry in my life and I just can’t take his pathetic excuses anymore!

“No Isaac, we can’t just work through this. Every time we ‘try and work through it’ you end up cheating on me! Accidently sleeping with people, I mean.” I say sarcastically.

“I’m done with you and your lies. I don’t want to see you again.” I say, trying to hold in the rest of my tears. Out of nowhere, I hear people clapping and cheering. I turn and face a whole fucking audience. HOLY SHIT. I just did that in front of the damn crowd that was there from the fight. They hadn’t left yet.

I cover my face with my hands as I feel my cheeks start to turn red. How could I even forget they were all still there? I turn to see Zayn standing there, who wasn’t being held back by two men anymore, smirking at me. God, that smile.

Before we can even say anything, the security from The Drop start to break up the crowd, having them go back inside, or go home. I see one of the bouncers escort Isaac away and can’t help but be relieved. I’m so done with him.

“I had no idea you were that hardcore.” Zayn says chuckling. I can’t help but laugh. I had no idea I was either.

“I’m not the only one who beat up my ex-boyfriend” I say smiling. He only had a few cuts and what looked like it was going to be a gnarly bruise on his cheek from that first punch. He lets out a laugh and then pauses. “Shit.”

“What?” I ask.

“That’s going to be everywhere tomorrow.” He says, giving me a defeated look.

“What do you mea-...Oh shit.”

I had completely forgotten about the paparazzi.

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