Chapter 6

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It had been almost a week since that unforgettable night. Yet, I haven't received a text or phone call from Zayn. I should have known better! What would a handsome guy in a boy band want with me, a bartender with a ridiculous ex-boyfriend.

I sighed as I continued to get ready for work. At least it would keep my mind off of Zayn for awhile. Katie let me off for a few days since the big fight because she thought I needed it. Boy, was she right. Isaac was still trying to call me and message me on Facebook. I haven't even looked at my laptop since then and whenever he calls, my heart skips a beat because I think it's Zayn. What the fuck is wrong with me?! I need to just get him out of my head.

"Back to work, huh? Well hopefully no drama tonight!" Rebecca says lifting her eyebrow, as I grab my purse and keys.

"I doubt it. Things like that don't happen every night." I respond, sticking my tongue out.

"You never know!" She says dramatically and shrugs her shoulders.

Yeah right, like something like that would ever happen again! Especially when the guy you're crushing on won't even call you.

When I finally get to work, Luke greets me with "Welcome back, Zayn's new girlfriend. Has he proposed yet?" Ugh, he was such a sarcastic jerk.

"Very funny Luke." I say, not in the mood to be teased. Luke can be such a smartass.

"Well tell that to the media. They seem to be taking it pretty seriously." He responds.

"What? What are you even talking abo-" Luke turns around his laptop and there on his computer screen is a whole article about Zayn, Isaac, and me, the "Mystery Girl". The story mainly focused on the fight and not on me. I should have known there would've been some fucking article! The paparazzi was everywhere that night!

"I can't believe this!" I say, stunned. How could this have happened? I don't know what to think.

"Well you better, Princess, because this is all over the internet." Luke says, turning his laptop back around. All over the internet? I hadn't checked my computer in days but it really couldn't be everywhere? Could it?

I start setting up the bar, still in shock. Maybe that's why Zayn hasn't called? He didn't want to deal with the drama of that night, Isaac, or me. But why did he act so interested in me? He was the one that wanted my phone number afterall. That's it! I was just another girl in his "Booty Call List". That douchebag! I should've known better. He had totally played me.

"Hey there lovely! How have you been?" Katie says, snapping me out of my thoughts and back to reality.

"I've been okay." I say with a fake smile. "Just trying to move on."

"Everything will get better hun, I promise." Katie says, giving me a hug. She's like the older sister I never had and somehow those words give me comfort, even though I don't believe them.

I finish setting up the bar just in time for the crowd that's starting to come inside. The people are pumped up for the guest musicians tonight and already make their way to the enormous dancefloor. The line outside wraps around the back of the building and it looks like it's neverending. Wow, tonight is going to be a really busy night.

Vivid, neon lights are flashing and the music is pounding in my chest as I'm making ice cold drinks and serving the every growing crowd of people. The Drop is packed tonight and I'm working my ass off. But, I love every minute of it and I'm glad to be back.

"Can I get a pint of Guinness?" Someone shouts over the music.

"Yeah, of course! One second." I shout back.

I give the other people at the counter their drinks before getting the beer from the tap. I wait until the foam starts to overflow then swiftly grab the beer and slide it down the counter to the guy waiting for his drink.

"And I was kind of hoping we could talk." He says in response.

"Holy shit." I mutter.

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