It's been 6 years since I've fallen in love or involved with anyone. It wasn't anything serious like I thought it was back in the time. It was with my best friend at the time and her name was Tea. Yeah we dated for like 7 months, but with those 7 months of dating I soon realized who she really was. Sure, everything was great at first but then little things started to happen. Like her lying where she was and then her breaking down to me randomly one night about her sending "pictures" to some guy. Just so many issues and too much drama I couldn't take it anymore. It took a long time to get over her, but during the process I came to realize that I swing the other way. My Grandpa and friends know and don't judge me for it. I've been open about it for about 3 years now, but I've never been on a date with a guy or tried. So as right now I am sitting at a bar with my good pals. Joey and Tristan, we have been here for at least 4 hours but I am just here to make sure that they get home safe, or do anything stupid of course.
"Yugggeee, why don't you ask someone to dance or get a drink.... You have been sitting there on your phone while we are having a good time when it's supposed to be you!" Joey said while he was falling out of his chair and Tristan was knocked out on the table. All I could do is laugh at them. I can't believe I am here at a bar with two drunk guys that who happen to be my best friends and as well my roommates.
Just as I was about to say something I see someone who caught my eye.. He was staring at me.. He had the most seductive eyes I have ever seen. They were crimson.. They were more beautiful than rubies. I looked away though because I just don't trust anyone and I don't have the heart to talk to someone that attractive. Also, thinking about it I would probably just be a one night stand and that is not something that I need in my life. I want someone who wants it all with me. I looked back again at him, but I was seeing what he was wearing. I can look right? When I looked at him I could tell he was still staring, but looking away so it wasn't so obvious. His face was perfectly shaped, like a God, he was wearing a nice tight black tank, some nice leather pants, some black leather boots, and he had some amazing looking tattoos. They looked like something from ancient Egypt. I looked away once I had seen the boys passed out on the cold floor.
"Alright boys, lets get back to the house. I'll have Seto come pick us up. He lives right around the corner and he told me had a feeling this would happen." I said while I grabbed both of them and helped carry them out. As I was walking out with them both waiting for the car to pick us up. I see the same guy who I had been checking out the entire time come outside. He sat right beside me and I could feel my heart about to burst out of my chest. He was staring at me, but I was acting like I didn't know he was there even know I knew he was. Then I hear his voice, and he had the most seductive voice I have ever heard. I know he wasn't trying to be seductive, but I am sure that's how his voice on a daily basis.
"So, would you like some help carrying your friends to their place? I know you can't handle both of them". He looked at me with his eyes and I swear I lost my breath when I looked into them. I even forgot where I was at the time. Then again I hear his voice, "Or maybe I need to take care all 3 of you guys". He said while he chuckled at me.
"I'm sorry, I spaced out. I tend to do that a lot. Sure, you can if you really want to, but may I know your name?" I said with a very awkward tone and as well with a very nervous laugh.
Then he looked into my eyes and I swear he was in my soul..
"My name is Yami, and it is pleasure to meet you. May I know your name?"He looked at me a gave me the most breath taking smile ever..
"I'mm Yuugii. I'm Yugi. I promise I am not wasted, I am just very.." I was trying to say awkward but he put his finger on my lips and said, "Your name is Yugi, and you're the most beautiful being I have ever laid my eyes on. Please, let me get to know you." Yami said while he pushed away some of my hair away from my face. I couldn't help but feel the heat from my cheeks forming. I am in lost of words right now. At that moment the car pulled up and he helped me load up the boys in the car. He sat beside me and when I looked at him all I could see was his eyes looking into my soul. I never knew what love at first sight meant until that moment.

Kids in love
FanfictionThis is a story of Yugi who has been struggling to let love in, but once he meets upon a mysterious guy it may change his mind. This mysterious guy is named Yami and he has always been a player until he meets Yugi. What will happen next?