New truths

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Yami's POV

It was 8pm in Domino. We had spend a lot of time with Yugi's grandfather catching up and of course him getting to know me. From what I can sense I believe his grandfather really likes me and I am so glad that he does. I would hate for him to dislike me when I am with his grandson. I have no idea what I would do if it didn't work out with Yugi. I know it has only been a few days but these past few days have been amazing and I am not ready for our weekend to end. I look over to see what Yugi is doing and he is currently on his phone texting his roommates on where he is and what he is doing. I decided to check my phone since I haven't looked at since I have been with Yugi. I have 6 missed phone calls and 16 text messages. I take a look at the phone calls and 3 are from work, 1 is from Kaiba and the other 2 are unknown. Now to the texts. Majority of them are from Kaiba, work and ohh... Haha awkward. That guy I left for Yugi has been blowing up my phone. Yugi then looks at me seeing what I am doing and see's the message from that guy from the other night. I can see that there was a small hint of sadness and scooted away from me some. I knew what was going through his mind already..

"Yugi, you can come over and see what I am doing. I have nothing to hide and you have no worries. I promise. I haven't looked at my phone since I have been with you and I promise I have no secrets." I scoot closer to him and wrap my arm around him to give him the comfort I know that he needs right now. He then lays his head into my chest and sighs.

"What's bothering you little one?" I kiss the top of his head and snuggle my chin onto his head. I can see he wanted to cry, but I think I answered his questions he had going through his head.

"I'm sorry I just got a little insecure when I saw that you had a lot of texts from 'the guy' you were with the same night when you met me..." he then pouted some and just laid his head into my chest. I then kissed his head again and.. "I know dear, you have no worries. He was just going to be a one night stand and I am guessing he didn't get the picture. I also just ditched him without giving him an answer. You have no worries, I already blocked him. So now that is taken care of, you can no longer worry." I then gave my beloved a much needed hug. I then looked at him and he sighed.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to doubt you or anything.. This is just all new to me and I really care about you. You mean so much to me and I don't want to lose you.  I know it has been only a few days, but you have given me a lifetime of happiness and I never want this to end.. "he had a few tears coming down his cheek and I wiped them away with my thumb and kissed his soft, tear stained cheeks. 

"No worries love, this is new to the both of us. I promise I will never do anything to break your trust or hurt you. I want to give you the love and happiness you deserve. I want to give you the world. Also, if you have moments like this, don't be afraid to tell me what is wrong. I want to know what is bothering you and I want to fix the issue before it gets worse. I want this more than you'll ever know Yugi." I then looked and saw that I had just read his mind. I just cleared everything that was bothering him and he finally smiled. I love that smile of his. It makes my day better when I see that beautiful smile of his. He then gets off the couch and asks me..

"I know we're at my Grandpa's, and it's late.. Would you like to go to my old bedroom? It is away from my Grandpa so will have our privacy.." he blushed when he said that. I nodded at him and kissed his lips. I can never get tired of kissing his lips. I am so addicted to him in every way possible. He then kisses me back and grabs my hand and we head upstairs. I look at how cozy his old house is. So many pictures of him and his friends. Then I see a few of them with his parents I believe and then of course a few with his grandfather. I know there are things I don't know about his past, but he will tell me when the time is right. I then finally see that we are at his bedroom door and he opens the door. I look around and I see a lot of Duel Monster posters, of course more pictures of him and his friends. I just smile at him and then I see him looking at me. I felt so happy knowing I am with him. I also got this weird feeling that I have been here before.. I then see this photo and I don't know why.. But.. I'm crazy. I am thinking crazy thoughts.

"Yami, you okay?" he looked at me with some worry in his eyes. I snap out of it and look at him and smile. 

"Sorry, I zoned out. I am okay though love. I just feel something familiar like I have been here before. I'm probably just tired and of course crazy." I laughed at him and then he looked away.. Something is wrong..

"Yami, can I show you something?" he looked at me with those big beautiful eyes of his and I nodded. He then gets a gold box and I see an upside down pyramid and some photos.. I also felt something with this item..

"Yami, when I was 14 I met a spirit who lived in this item and we grew really close.. He had to leave though. He told me that I would see him again one day.." I was in so much shock I was shaking... 

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