Hearts collide

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Yami's POV

In that moment when I leaned in and I gave Yugi the most passionate kiss I have ever given anyone. It was a real kiss and not a kiss just to kiss because I wanted it to lead into something more. I could feel the sparks flowing through my entire body... I couldn't stop kissing him. I didn't care if we didn't go to the next base.. All I cared about was kissing him. I was rubbing the back of his head and he then grabbed my neck and stroking his fingers on my neck.. It gave me chills. Then I was finally sliding my tongue in his mouth slowly and he let me enter. He tasted so sweet.. I couldn't get enough of him. We were both fighting for dominance on who would win, of course I did, but this guy is an amazing kisser..  We both finally stopped once needed some air.. I was honestly out air because he took my breath away by just looking at him with his sweet love gazed eyes.. I have never felt like this. My body was hot all over and I could feel the heat in my cheeks.. I was falling for him..

Yugi's POV

I have never kissed anyone before tonight and when Yami kissed me it felt natural... I  couldn't help myself..I was getting into this kiss just as he was. I wrapped my hands around his neck stroking it with my fingers and he kissed me more and more.. I loved every second of it.. Then we went a little further involving tongue.. I swear if this is the last kiss I will ever receive then I will be glad this is my first and last kiss ever. I could feel sparks fly and I can feel so much chemistry with us.. It just felt natural and when it was time for us to stop I couldn't help but melt into his eyes.. I have never seen such a beautiful sight in my entire life.. I was falling for Yami. 

"Yugi, I never want this to stop. I want to go on many more adventures with you. This is just the beginning. I can't wait to see what this holds for us. I know we have only known each other for one night, but I feel like I know you. Just looking into your eyes I feel like I have known you my entire life and I want you to be mine." He said with so much emotion in his voice. I may not have believed it if we hadn't been spilling our hearts and guts out the entire night, but I believed him. I wasn't ready to be in an actual relationship of course. I wanted to go on dates, take things slow and then commit. He will be the only one I am seeing, but I am not sure how he will feel like just 'dating' or 'talking'. I want to take baby steps, but I can see us becoming and actual couple once I get used to it of course. I mean I haven't had a boyfriend..

"Yami, I want the same things as you do and I feel the same way. I just don't want to fully commit just yet. From what I know you have never had a boyfriend and neither have I. I think we need to take things slow.. Go on dates, spend time with one another, learn about one another and then we can move further. I do like you and I would love to be yours eventually." I said with a smile and then I looked down to see him grabbing my hand. He then said..

"I will wait forever just as long as I have you by my side. I want to get to know your interests, dislikes, family, your drunk friends, your beautiful heart, and just everything.  Yugi, I have always been a player but you have changed my outlooks of life. If you play this right you can be the one in charge of this game. You can and will have me wrapped around your finger." He said as he was leaning in to kiss my cheek while he was still holding my hand.. Then I looked at the sky and it was morning.. It was a beautiful sunrise. I then looked him and saw his eyes sparkle in the sun. 

"You have such beautiful eyes.." I said and at the moment he looked into my eyes and said " It's because I have caught something beautiful in my eyes" He said with a huge grin on his face. When he said that I could feel the redness forming on my face and then I realized how cheesy he was..

"That was the cheesiest thing I have ever heard." I said with a chuckle but I was also blushing from it. It was also super cute.

"Only for you dear. I'll do anything to see that sweet blush on yours on your face."He said and was starting to get up and he helped me up. I stood next to him and he then looked at me and said "Why don't I make you and your friends some breakfast and go on an adventure?" He said with a very attractive smirk. I was falling for him and I was ready to go on this new adventure with the supposedly player. I know he said he's always been a player but I think he was just afraid like I've been afraid but we both handled it in different ways. Whatever happened I am ready to learn to love and be less afraid of love. 

"Sounds wonderful." I smiled and I got the courage to kiss him on his lips. He then looked at me with those beautiful eyes and said "Taking things slow, huh? I can deal with this." He said with a chuckle and then grabbed my waist and took away my breath with another passionate kiss. I swear his kisses get better every time.

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