First time

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Yami's POV

That same morning after Yugi and I kissed I felt like I flying. I have never in my 26 years have ever felt like this and I never knew I could actually have real feelings like this. It scares the shit out of me, but I am all in. So as I am walking hand in hand with Yugi I can't help but stare and see how adorable he looks clinging on to me. It's honestly the best feeling in the world. He then lets go of me and walks me to the kitchen and gives me a tour of where everything is at and he kisses me on the cheek while he left to go get the guys. I was lost in my thoughts while I was making breakfast for my new love and his friends. While I am cooking I hear one of his roommates walking downstairs.

"Yugi, when did you bring a guy over? I know I was messed up and don't remember much but I am sure I would've remembered you bringing home a guy! This guy is also cooking breakfast? Dude, you found a keeper!" Yelled Joey as he was running towards the kitchen when he smelled the breakfast I was making. From what I learned from Yugi he loves pancakes so that is what I am making. I hope his friends and Yugi enjoy them. 

"So, Yami? What did you and my pal do last night? You didn't take away his V-card did you?" Tristan asked while he was walking towards Joey and I. When I heard that from him it just made me feel like I really find someone super precious. I have never met someone as pure as Yugi, and I am so happy to be starting a new adventure with him.

"No no, we didn't do anything and if we did it wouldn't be any of your business. We just talked and looked at the stars. Why don't you guys grab a plate and relax." I said while I winked at the both of them. Yugi sure does have his hands tied with these guys. He must have a lot of patience then. I then look back behind me and see my little love. He walks up beside me and looks at what I made for breakfast. His beautiful amethyst eyes grow wide and see that I have made chocolate chip pancakes. I could tell he was amazed that I remembered something so small but yet so big.

"Yami, you remembered that this was my favorite? I told you that during our many conversations and you remembered something so small? Goodness, you're amazing!" He said while he looked at me and gave me the biggest grin. This is what I live for now. 

"Of course dear, I told you I am all in and I mean it." I said and I winked at the beautiful being that was next to me.

"Dude, you're amazing. You're charming and can cook?! I think I may have to turn gay for this guy Yugi. I'm sorry I may have to take him away from you." Joey said while he stuffed a mouth full of pancakes in his mouth. The two roommates were eating like that they have never eaten in their entire lives. It made me feel good that I did this for them and of course Yugi.

"Sorry Joey I call dibs." Yugi said while he winked at me and chuckled at what Joey had said. It made my heart feel warm and fuzzy when he said that. It made me happy and I couldn't help but smile. Then I noticed that the two guys had finished and were putting their dishes away.

"Yami, thanks for breakfast and thank you for being nice to our pal. Tristan and I going to back to bed to sleep off the hangover. Be nice to our pal and hopefully we see you soon!!" Joey said while he gave me a thumbs up.

"Thank you Yami! Same thing Joey said!" As the other roommate ran to his room as well. 

I then looked at Yugi who was sitting next to me on at the table. I couldn't help but look at him and then he said, "Yami, you're amazing. Thank you so much." He said while he was putting his dishes up. I then grabbed his hand to told him "Dear, have a seat and let me do the dishes." I said and winked at him.

"Yami you cooked though...." He said while making an adorable pout with those cute little lips of his. He seriously is the cutest.

"I know I did, but you always do everything for everyone else. Let me treat you and spoil you." I smiled at him and kissed his forehead. He blushed and sat down as I started washing the dishes. I feel like I am living a dream right now. This is something that I have always wanted, but I didn't think this was possible for me. I have never cared to listen to conversations unless it was involving sex. I have never gone to any ones house at midnight and just stayed up all night and talked. I also have never made breakfast for anyone. This is a lot of firsts for me, but I think I am going to enjoy this. 

"Yami, you really are amazing. I am looking forward to getting to know you aka the mysterious guy at the bar." He said while he winked at me. I couldn't help but smile. I like this guy a lot. More than he knows.

"Get ready love, I have something I want to do today as our first adventure together." I went over and kissed his forehead once again. I can get used to this. 

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