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I forgot, he's not here.......

I woke up and made breakfast for Mom and I before she went to work.

And after of course, I went out hoping  to run into someone other than Jungkook.

This time I went to the Gym to help make today's training easier.

I saw Jin.
I wasn't expecting a guy like him at the gym, but I didn't wanna disturb him anyway.

I went for a run on the track outside instead.

"Hey Han-Yeong." I heard Min Yoongi shout out.

"Hey what are you doing here always  finding me everywhere I go?"

"Haha well I here came with Jin he's doing training in the Cardio room since were going out of town for the rest of the month." He explained.

"Ohhh. But what about school?" I asked.

"Oh well, Junkook, Jin and I's are travelers. Its hard to explain." He said.

it will be hard for me to understand

Because I'm "clueless"
The two boys and I left the Gym together and then departed going our own ways.

"Good Luck and be safe traveling" I said giving them a hug.

I saw Junkook in a large crowd.

"Jungkook !" I called.

I saw him look back at me

He trudged out of the glob of people

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He trudged out of the glob of people.

"It took you long enough."
He said.

"I was warming up....
This is the part when your supposed to say oh! Great job Han-Yeong!"

"I was just about to leave."

"I was starting to think you really gave up..." He said.

"N-no I wouldn't do that. I promised.."

"Okay then let's go." He said.

"Shouldn't we wait, I mean it's crowded and I'm short so...."

"Okay then you want me to put you on my back?" He asked.

My heart skipped a beat.
Why does it keep doing this??

"What?' N-no I have to go walk Heobuel really quick anyway, nobody's home."

"Ugh! This isn't gonna take forever, is it??" He asked in a whiny voice.

"No so stop complaining." I said.

When we went to my house,Jungkook stopped in his tracks.

"What?" I asked.

"I must be nice living in a stable home without always traveling..." He said.

"Come'on" I pulled him by his wrist.

"You have a piano?!"

"Yea it was a gift from mom greatest grandmother." I said

He sat down and played a song.

"Show off..." I scoffed.

"Im not!" He exclaimed.


I sat by him.

He held my hands and moved them to each key he had just played.

"I-I still have to walk the dog Come'on." I said stuttering.

"Mkay." He said.

"He little buddy!" He picked up Heobuel.

"Aren't you just the cuttes—"

"Han-Yeonggggg!" He yelled.

Heobuel had peed all over Junkook's shoe while holding him.

I snickered.

"Its not funnyyyy!" He whined.

"Pftt! Yeah it is!" I exclaimed.
"Okay,okay I'll go get the cleaning supplies." I said still snickering.

By the time I had came to clean up the mess, Jungkook was gone.

Heobuel let out a weak bark and ran to my room.


Junkook was looking at my necklace dad had gave me.

When I went to take Heobuel out the house, he asked me about it.

"It was the necklace my Dad gave me when I was born. He passed away half a year ago... he was my strength." I explained.

"At least your Dad loved you..... mine hates me."

"What do you mean??" I asked curiously.

"He was never there for my sister or my mom. We always had verbal arguments..."

I gave him a hug.

"Lets head back before it gets late." I said.

I laid on my bed.

"I'm tired alreadyyy." I complained.

I looked at him upside down on my bed.

Jungkook rolled over looking at me like he was going to get on top of me.

"Well that's too bad we still have training. He said.

I kicked him off my bed with both my feet and he bumped into the wall.

"Yahh!!..... at least you used a fighting technique..." He said.

"Come'on lets go." Jungkook said.

I tried to avoid it.

I'm not thinking about that
I'm not thinking about that......

Maybe him popping up everywhere isn't just a coincidence.

I don't like Jungkook.


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