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Dwayne's point of view

We road all the way to the beach. The wind blowing through our hair while we yelled in excitement. I could see roses hair blowing in the air. If I had a beating heart it would melt from how beautiful she was.

She was clinging to my jacket, her cheek pressed against my chest. Her tiny fingers gently rubbing my hairless chest.

I knew tomorrow we would have to feed which I didn't want to because I would have to leave her. We would probably have to leave her with max. Even though I didn't trust the guy David did. If he ever lays a hand on her I'll stake his ass.

Tomorrow I'll have to be feeding on a low life who steals from stores and be away from her. Yes we feed from criminals. It's the life we live. If we fed from other people it would make people suspicious of us.

I was snapped out of my thoughts when I felt a tiny hand on my face. I looked down at rose. She had a concentrated look on her face. She tried to make my lips go up to make me smile. I smiled and gently kissed her hand.

It made her blush, she was so cute. Then she rapped her arms around my back and just held me. I felt warm, the feeling felt good. For once again in my life it felt like I was human. I had the warm feeling the whole time we were riding.

We finally got to the beach, I knew she would want to go in the water. Then I thought oh damn she doesn't have any other clothes then the ones on her back.

I set her down on the ground, I got off my bike. I saw her run toward the sand. A smile was on my face now, but it disappeared when I saw her fall face first in the sand. I went to run to her, but Paul beat me to her. We all walked over to her. Her eyes becoming red with tears, Paul was soothing her. Her face and hair was covered in sand.

Paul soothes her so she wouldn't cry, I would hate to see her cry. God am I going soft? Na can't be I'm not soft, but I can't be an asshole to her. Paul gently set her down and she started to running to the water. We all smiled, we looked at each other and took off our clothes till we were in our undergarments. We started to run to the water seeing rose playing with the water.

David's point of view

I started to run toward the water, Rose was playing with the water. I ran to her and gently picked her up in my arms. She squealed happily. I chuckled to myself, I could get used to this. We went deeper into the water, Rose was splashing all around as I held her. I kissed her cheek, but all I got was a face full of water. The guys laughed at me. I smirked at her, "so that's how it's going to be?" I said.

She giggled at me,

I threw her in the air and caught her when she came back down. I did it a few times. She squealed the whole time. She was beautiful I got to admit. Then we all relaxed, the water was warm, the guys just floating, and rose had her face in my neck. Her skin was warm compared to mine. I could feel her tiny fingers threading through my hair. For once in my life it felt good, for once in my life I could be happy with my life because I had her in it. I smiled to myself when I thought that. I can't wait to watch her grow up to be the beautiful women she'll be.

I kissed her head softly, I knew I was going to fall in love with her just as the guys were, I don't share but I guess I'll have to.

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