Bath time

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Third person POV an hour later

The sun would be rising in a few hours. The boys already had their fill, blood stripped from their clothes, now on their way back to Max's house to get their beloved.

They laughed as they flew in the air,

But something was bugging them, was she okay? is she okay?

Did max touch her the wrong way? They wanted to know so badly.

"He wouldn't hurt her would he?", marko asked David.

A snarl grew onto David's face. "If he had he's going to wish he was never born," he growled.

They flew farther, closer to Rosalie, they could feel the connection getting bigger.

They soon got to Max's house, they flew through the window and landed on the rug covered floor.

"Must you boys come in like that every time you visit?", max asked them from his chair.

They ignored him,

They looked for their beloved. They looked to the couch. They didn't see her. They looked to the ground, they saw Rosalie laying on top of thorns stomach,

Her little eyes closed, her thumb in her mouth suckling it, they could hear little snores coming from her.

They awed inside their heads, she looked adorable.

Paul walked over and bent down, reaching out to grab her, thorn growled at him, Paul bared his fangs at him.

"Thorn be nice," max said.

Thorn stopped growling at Paul and let Paul pick her up.

He nuzzled his cheek against hers.

He had missed her, glad he could have her back in his arms.

He walked back to the guys, so they could see her as well.

They could be at ease now that they had their mate in front of them sleeping the night or should they say morning away.

They inhaled her scent, letting their shoulders relax from their built up stress. Her scent was like a stress reliever.

David looked outside, they had to hurry,

He looked to his sire, he narrowed his eyes at him, "did anything happen when we were gone," he nearly growled at him.

"No I fed her, she played with thorn, she did get a little fussy when going to sleep, probably because you guys weren't here, she must have felt the pull while you guys were away," max said.

The guy's eyes widened. She could feel the pull toward them, that's probably why she was so comfortable towards them.

David shook out of his shocked state, "uh thank you for watching her," he said to his sire.

Max smiled his creepy smile, "your welcome my childes, any time, being her by," he said.

The boys rolled their eyes, that'll hardly happen. They only wanted to be the center of her attention only them.

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