Three days later

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Rosalie's POV

Its been three days, and I've found out I'm half witch from my mothers side. Why didn't they tell me this a year ago? But I've been here waiting for my husbands/mates to wake up. I can still here they're heart beats, which is weird. Did I do it right? Or did I do something wrong?

I paced and paced. First the bear attack and now this. What the hell?!

I then heard a groan coming from the giant bed. I turned around and looked at them. They opened their eyes. I was shocked their eyes were the same. But they were Paler then they were three days ago.

They then looked at me, they're eyes staying on me. They were filled with love and relief.

Third person POV

The boys opened their eyes, it had felt as if they had just took a long ass nap. They groaned opening their eyes. Wait where was Rosalie? Was she safe? Was she okay? They sat up and looked around. Everything was much clearer, they could see the dust in the air. And smell most things they couldn't when they were human. They then smelt their mates scent. Their mate. Theirs. They looked at her, she was even more beautiful. She smiled at them. They got up and walked over to her. They hugged her tight. She giggled lightly. "As much as I'm glad to see you, can you not break me please", she said laughing a little.

They pulled back slowly, they looked at her. She was smiling at them. She put a hand on Dwayne's and markos face. "I was so worried it wouldn't work", she said concerned. They were confused.

"What do you mean? What happened?", David asked. She looked nervous. "When you guys went hunting, I had woken up and I heard you guys screaming, and I found you guys being mauled by a bear, I had to do what I had to, you were going to die and I.....", she could say anymore, she started to sob. Dwayne brought her into a hug. Soothing her by brushing his fingers through her hair. He shushed her soothingly. "It's okay, it's okay rosy", he whispered into her ear.

She sobbed into his chest. "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry, I took away your humanity", she sobbed again into Dwayne's chest.

They all looked at each other with confusion in their eyes. "You mean we're vampires again?", Paul asked. He was confused. If he was a vampire again, why could he still feel his heart beating.

Rosalie just nodded, "but how, we still have a heartbeat?", marko asked.

She tore away from Dwayne and felt his chest, feeling his heartbeat. Her eyes widened softly. "I don't know, I don't know", she said. She was so confused right now.

"It's because you didn't have enough venom and turned them into half vampires", eleazar said coming out of nowhere. "Do you always have to come out of nowhere?", Paul asked him. Eleazar ignored him.

Rosalie turned to him, "so your saying that because I'm only half vampire, I only had Half as much venom as a full vampire?", she asked eleazar.

Eleazar nodded, "It's not heard of, but I suppose there's a time for something new", he said.

He left leaving the five mates alone.

Rosalie looked at her mates. She felt nervous. Were they okay with this? Or do they not want to be like this?

But as soon as that thought went through her mind, David wrapped his arms around her. "Were okay with this, as long as were with you", he said.

Did he just read her mind?

"I did", he said. It must be his power.

She wrapped her arms around him. "I was so worried, I thought I lost you, please for the love of god, don't ever do that to me again", she said. He chuckled and kissed her forehead.

"I promise Rosy, we're not going anywhere", he said. She sighed and just slumped into his arms. "And another thing, I'm half witch, its from my mothers side", she said against David's chest.

"Your part witch? That's fucking awesome! My mates a witch!", Paul said loudly. I giggled against David's chest. He also chuckled, Paul can be a goof ball. But I wouldn't have him any less. I would die if I didn't have them. They are my forever. Always. I don't know what I would do without them.

I love them.

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