Chapter 1: Just the Beginning

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Year 2203

"Mr. Lee, you no longer have to worry, you are completely fine."

"But, Dr. Kim, I think my neck is still broken. M-maybe you should look at it a bit closer..."


Now to some, this may be a little weird. I'm completely used to it. I'm young, beautiful, and fresh out of school. I've been completely focused on my career my whole life and I don't need some stupid dude coming into my life and wrecking the whole situation.


"Mr. Lee, I'm sure your wife would not be pleased if she heard you hitting on me."

"Oh, Dr. c'mon, I'm sure you haven't had a touch from a man... I'll be gentl-"

"NOPE! Please get out of my office thanks!" I said as I pushed him out of the door.

I walked to the front desk and gave the assistants the charts. I grabbed the new one and called the next patient in. As you can see, this is my life. Constantly flowing in people, then shoving them out. Then there are the few people that flirt with me. I admit they are a confident booster, but my life is pretty boring. Nothing interesting happens except the occasional fight I get in with my mother.

After the long day, I close up the clinic and jump on the bus to head home. I grab a seat, plug in my earphones and rest my head on the window.

Once I got home, I unlocked the door and heard a stranger's voice.

"Hey, didn't I tell you to watch where you're walking?" I look up and see my older brother's face.

"Oppa you're home!"

"I talked to the Lieutenant and he said that I could have a short visit before I jump back into it."

"I still think you should be at home and protecting us. Mom and Dad aren't getting any younger and with me working the whole day, it's definitely harder on them." I sigh. "I just wish you were able to stay home."

"(F/N), you're a big girl, and I trust you." I roll my eyes. "Look I know it's not easy, but I know that you aren't the type of girl to just give up and leave."

This is the type of person my brother is. Kim Sejin (Manager Sejin ;)). He is a caring person, but one that also doesn't care for himself. He's such a selfless person and puts others before himself. I've never understood why he was so faithful to the government, but he swears that everything will get better soon. For such an optimistic person, he never fails to give false hope to people. When he turned 18, he was drafted into the war and we haven't seen him in forever. He's been gone for 6 years and this is his first time back.

"Look...Oppa... You haven't seen Dad in a while. He's not in the best condition... His memory isn't as good as it was before. The doctors don't have an idea what it is or how to cure it. I don't know how long..."

"Well, he couldn't have forgotten his own son!" Sejin walks into the living room after taking off his shoes. "Aye paps! It's Sejin, your soldier."

"Ah, I don't think I had a son. Did I honey?" My dad questions. My mother turns around and almost has a heart attack before running over to Sejin and squeezing him a tight hold.

"Oh my son! How are you?! Are you okay?! How long are you staying? Did you eat? Oh In-Su, how could you not remember Sejin?"

"Mom, I'm fine. The Lieutenant gave me the night to comeback while he has business in town. I haven't had some of your cooking in a while, mind if I join?"

"Ahh, my boy!" Sejin comes over and hugs father. I've never seen such a happy face on him ever since mother got him more pudding.

Later through the night, we talked about what changed through the town and the things that was new in our lives. I told him my struggles of college and the clinic in general. Everything was great until his phone started to ring. I've never seen Sejin's face change so quick in my life.

"Sir!" He paused, but I overheard to urgency on the other side of the phone. "I'll be on my way!"

He rushed to put on his shoes and started to leave through the door.

"Sejin-oppa wait!" I trail behind him.

"(L/N) I don't have time! I love you all. Take care of mom and dad. I'll see you soon!" He shut the car door quickly and zoomed to somewhere. What was the hurrying? Why did he have to leave so soon? I went back inside and started to clean up and started to prepare for bed. I climbed into bed and closed my eyes quickly.


My eyes snap open and I start freaking out. I jump out of bed and grab the pistol in my closet. I sneak downstairs and peak through the window. I hear gunfire and explosions surrounding the place. What the hell?! I thought the war was far from here!

I begin to go back upstairs until I hear the backdoor open. I quickly look around for a place to hide until I hear-

"Don't move..." whispered into my ear.

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