Chapter 2: It's All Over

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"Don't move..." was whispered in my ear.

Now in this moment, I had no idea what I was going to do. Could I run out the door? Could I jump out the window? Scratch all those ideas because I would get shot before I could even take a step. Maybe I should just lay low and just listen. No point in fighting fire with fire.

"Drop your gun." I bent down and slowly dropped it on the floor.

He picked it up and then grabbed his walkie talkie. "I'm inside a house. Could be a good vantage point." He spoke into it.

"Good, we'll start heading to your location." The device replies.

Sooner or later, more and more men come into my house. I see four or five guys file in. They slowly close the door and walk over to the other man.

"Shik, I think we can take over! These people are so weak and those guys at the front couldn't do anything. "Oh please don't shoot!" He mimicked a woman. He man talking looked at me. "Who's the girl?"

"I don't know, but she's a beauty!" Some other guy said. "I don't care, but search the house and tie her up. We'll set this up as a base."

Two men went upstairs and my heart started to beat faster. Please, mother and father, please be hiding. Please be safe.

Couple seconds later I hear screams and people struggling. I see mom and dad getting the same treatment I had received a few of seconds ago.

"So! This is how it's going to go down. You pipsqueaks are going to stay here and keep your mouths shut. You're lucky we haven't already killed you. But since we are using your house, we can't be rude guests. Right guys?" He jokes and the other men giggle.

"Captain, we've tracked their location, we will be heading there now." The radio spurs. Wait... That's Sejin's voice.

"'s Sejin! Honey it's our son!" My father speaks. My eyes widen and my mother tries silencing my father. The leader's head turns to look at my father and smirks slowly.

Please don't hurt him...

The man grabs my father by his hair and begins to pull him to the door. My father cries out for help but the other men trap me and mother down. I hear the helicopter above our house and the leader's screams.

"HEEYYYY! SEJIN, YOUR FATHER HELPED US OUT A LOT! SO WE JUST WANT TO GIVE HIM A LITTLE THANKS!" The man yells to the group of others surrounding the house. We are quickly moved close by the windows of our house with guns pointed to our heads.

"HOW 'BOUT THIS?! WE'LL TRADE ONE OF YOUR MEN FOR ONE OF OURS! DOES THAT SOUND LIKE A DEAL?!" The man joking laughs. What is the problem with this dude?

"Dad! Everything is going to be alright!" Sejin-oppa tries to calm my freaked out father. "Mr. Jun, let's just put the guns down and we can discuss a deal, how about that?" My brother says as he slowly creeps forward to the house.

Sejin, you idiot! Get out of here! Just kill these stupid heads!

"Sejin, you know we can't do that... HOW ABOUT THIS!" The man yells as he points his gun towards my brother and then pulls the trigger.

"NOO!" Both me and my mother scream.

Following that one shot, more follow after that. Rapid fire is unleashed and the war I thought was far away, was brought directly to me. In my head, I try to calm down...


"(F/N)...(F/N) C'mon sing with me." The shining image of my young mother.

"You are my sunshine, my only sunshine. You make me happy when skies are gray. You'll never know dear, how much I love you, please don't take my sunshine away." My mother sings. "There you go, now everything is okay."

*Flashback end*

When I open my eyes again, I see the color of blood everywhere. The man that held me, was now face on the floor. The man that held my father was firing his gun away. The man that held my mother was just shot and was slowly falling.

My father...was on his signs of signs of life.

My brother... his blood was slowly seeping from his head... no signs of life.

My mother... her blood was falling from her side... but her chest was moving slower by the second.

Me... I was fine... Why was I fine? Why wasn't I hurt like the rest of my family? Why couldn't I be killed as well?

My head was throbbing from the sound grenade that was released from the house. I slowly began to crawl away from the window and near the staircase that was by the back door. Tears began to pour from my eyes, but now was not the time to cry. I could mourn later, but if there was a reason for me to live... I was going to take that chance.

A group of men with guns rammed the back door open and gunfire opened again. The men began to run into the house but one was shot down. The others hid behind the wall and continued to fire away. I crouched down and tried pulling the man over to my hidden spot.

His shoulder and his leg was shot. I ripped a line of fabric from my shirt and began to wrap the wounded areas. The soldier's eyes slowly began to fade away and slowly started to close.

"Hey! Don't close your eyes! You need to stay awake!" I tried yelling to him. "Here... let's try talking... My name is (F/N)."

The man opens his mouth but only a soft whisper escapes. "My... name... is... Jungkook... please... tell... me my squad... is safe..." The man says in and out. "Yes! You just have to stay with me!"

"Thank you... then..." The man whispers before closing his eyes.


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