Chapter 5: Welcome to Hell

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Sorry guys! My laptop was acting up and for some reason wouldn't let me login to anything or respond to anything so sorry this is so late!!!

After my recovery, I soon began my mission on helping my country. Sergeant Jungkook was supposed to still be in the hospital to recover, but threatened the doctors, and he was released the same time I was.

"Dr. Kim, we'll be heading to the base now, please get in the car." The young sergeant says as he holds the door open for me. I sprang into my seat and as soon as I entered, I nearly regretted my decision... The car was filled with the whole squad.

"Ayeeeee! (Y/N) is coming with us!" Hoseok screamed. The rest of the guys cheered along with him.

Holy shit... what did I do that gave me the opportunity to sit in the car with 7 incredibly hot men? Maybe this is the time to believe in miracles because I am forever thankful XD

Private Min was started the engine and we were soon on our way.

"So... Dr. Ki-"

"Please, call me (Y/N)." I quickly interrupted Private Jung. He smirked at my comment. "Well then (Y/N), I hope you enjoy your stay at out incredibly hot base. There's nothing more than desert... desert...and more desert." He giggles. "Oh! I hope you address but our first names as well. Our Sergeant looks like a tough guy but he's nothing more than a cute little bunny!"

"YA!" Jungkook yells out.

"Jungkook-sii, you better respect your hyungs!" Jimin replies. The rest of the car begins to burst out laughing.

"Jimin-sii, I still have a higher rank than you so watch it soldier." The car is then filled with 'ohs'.

As much of a crazy group this is, there's only one guy that still seems stoic.

Four hours later we finally arrive at the base and they were truly right. Everywhere you look is surrounded by the desert. You can see hills and mountains, but it truly is in the middle of nowhere.

"Welcome to hell." Seokjin sighs. "I'll go ahead and give you a tour of the place and introduce you to the crew."

I depart from the group and I thought that it would soon become calm, but my instincts were wrong. As we walk around, other soldiers begin to catcall at me and I saw my fair share of hot shirtless men. Nothing actually fazed me as I was used to everything.

Seokjin or 'Jin' as he instructed me to call him, showed everything from the hospital wing to the storage room. We finished off the tour by going into a tent and discussing my job.

"Listen... I'm incredibly grateful for your help, but don't be a pain in the ass for everyone. It's a lot to take in and I don't want to hear you cry or get disgusted by anything because we see blood daily and you better get used to it fast." I nod my head slowly to show that I understand.

"Jin, I'm not afraid of anything... I just want this war to be over with so everyone can live happily and at peace... If I can't fight, the least I can do is help the people that are." I strongly say. "Don't be kind with me. I might not be familiar with everything, but I need to learn quickly."

Jin smirks and lightly giggles. "I never took a frail girl like you to have such passion to help in such a harsh location." He looks me dead in the eye. "This is your last chance to back out. Are you sure you don't want to leave?" He questions me.

"I'm here to stay..." I state.

He smiles. "Well, welcome aboard!" He stands up and holds out his hand. "I look forward to work with you." I return the hand shake and smile back.

"Well this is your tent. You'll start tomorrow at 4 am. Catch ya later." Jin waves and leaves.

I sit down on the uncomfortable hammock bed looking thing. My paycheck better include a back massage...

I unpack all of my clothes and place a photo of my family on the table next to the cot. I lay down and close my eyes waiting for the hectic morning.

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