Chapter 4: First Encounters

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"Hello, Dr. Kim (F/N), it's good to see you." He says with a smirk.

"Sergeant Jungkook, I'm surprised you're already up." My eyes widen.

"Please Dr. there's not a lot of things in this world that can hold me back." He chuckles quietly. He then stands up and walks to me. "I'm very sorry about your losses... your brother was one of the best and most caring soldiers in my squad. He didn't deserve to die and I promise you that I will do anything to avenge him." My head slowly drops and I feel tears begin to form.

"He was in your squad?" I brokenly asked. His head slowly nodded.

Here was a man that actually tried to protect my family. He understood all that went on. He constantly puts his life in danger, just so he can protect others.

"Sergeant... may I ask you a question?" I wipe my tears and try to speak with more confidence. He nods his head. "Could I join the army?" I ask with a serious voice. The man's face was instantly shocked, but he soon recovers.

"You would first have to have a medical examination to ensure that your body can withstand all of the heavy duty. However, as I see the bandage on your leg and the placement of it, your odds of getting in are quite low." My head slowly drops.

So I truly become like the rest of the world... I'll go back to my day job, if it's not blown up...

"But... we are in need of some medical doctors... if you're interested in that, I do have some connections that will always accept help." He smirks. My eyes widen and without thinking I jump into the sergeant's arms.

"THANK YOU THANK YOU! YOU DON'T UNDERSTAND WHAT THIS MEANS TO ME!" While the man tries to fumble both himself and the girl on his injured leg, his balance soon breaks and the couple soon tumble to the floor. His back hits the floor and the girl's momentum soon follows after his.

As soon as I realized that I was about to have a painful experience, something cushions my fall... and my face. I open my eyes and I realized something...

Our lips... are touching...

I quickly pull back and our eyes pause for a second...

His eyes are really pretty. While brown may be the most boring eye color in the world...his was different. When I look into them it's like they trap me and hypnotize me.... Wow they are really hard to not look at...

The door slams open and both of our heads turn to reveal... Dr. Kim Seokjin...

"Woah....Maknae I didn't know you were that into her!" He jokes and covers his eyes.

We both look back at each other and realize....our placement on top of one another. I quickly got off the sergeant and immediately apologized.

"Uh—uh Jin-hyung it's not what it lo-"

"Wha Jungkookie's a big boy now guys!" He turns and yells at a group of people behind him. The next thing I know, five other....attractive....guys filled the doorway. While we both look panicked I tired breaking the ice.

"Uh. Hi, I'm Kim (F/N) and I'll be working with you all!" I bow to them. When I return back to my position, I realize that I did not explain enough. The group of men had confused faces.

"Sorry. I'll be becoming a military doctor. I do a wide variety of surgeries and checkups so I'll be here if you need help." I say with a smile. "Ahhhh welcome aboard! Once your leg heals all the way, we'll go ahead and head back to base." Dr. Kim replies.

"Boys let's introduce ourselves!" A tall dude in the back calls out. The all form a line:

"I'm Private Kim. My real name is Kim Namjoon, but you can just call me RM." His dimples are cute af

"We already know each other, but just call me Jin." Worldwide handsome

"Suga." Old man stuck in a young dude's body

"HIIIIIIII, I'm your hope, your my hope, I'm J-Hope." Very bright

"EXCUSE ME!!! I'm Jimin!" Why am I craving mochi now???

"HI gurlll, I'm Taehyung or Tae for short." Can he narrate my life with that deep voice????

"Sergeant Jungkook." A kid trying to look wise.... "WAHHH Kookie is such a mood killer!!" Jin yells out. They all rush to him and start pounding his back. "Kookie you should be nice to the beautiful lady!" Taehyung scolded the young man.

Once the bantering stops the other six men leave to go find some food to munch on while Jungkook and I discuss more information about future events.

"Right now the war is beginning to spread. The terrorists are finding weak spots in cities that don't seem to have a lot but cause destruction and disturbances. Small people begin to lose their trust and then spread the word. With more and more occurrences, we are slowly losing the battle." He lowers his head and begins playing with his hands.

"I think you guys just need an attitude adjustment." I state. His head pops up and his face begins questioning what I just said.

"How so?"

"If you constantly have a negative outlook on things, nothing will be solved. Things will only get darker and by the time you try to help it, nothing can be done..."

"...There's not much hope in a setting that failing..." He says in a dark tone.

"Then let's start it with us!" I stand up in front of him. "I hear you have quite the reputation. If your men see your thoughts... maybe they could follow along..." I suggest.

"What will we even do?"

"I'm pretty good with strategies and I have the healing hand. Let me in the medical tent and maybe I can make some connections there." I say with a smile. The Sergeant looks at me with a face that I don't quite know how to describe. I don't know if he likes my idea, or if he is giving me a weird look.

"Then we should head over as soon as possible... Heal up well Dr. Kim... I'll be back in the morning to discuss more things." He smiles and lifts his hand. I reach out mine and he lifts it kisses it slightly.

He wobbles to the door and opens it but stops.

"Thanks for saving my life the other day..." He smiles awkwardly and then leaves.

Who the hell does this dude think he is???

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Who the hell does this dude think he is???

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