Chapter 3: Awaken

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For once... The gunfire stops... All was silent until more soldiers ran to my side.

"Ma'am are you okay? Are you injured anywhere?" One asks me while just checking for visual injuries.

What... the... hell just happened here? I blankly stare nowhere. Is my family okay? I'm too scared to actually look back because I'm scared of reality. Would they all still be alive? Maybe this is just a dream and I could wake up from this mess.

I tried pinching myself from waking up from this nightmare.





"Ma'am, you are safe now. We'll take good care of you." Another soldier assured me.

"Please... Go help my family... tell me they are all okay..." I beg the group of men. A few of them leave and run behind the wall that I was scared to look at. There was two more that were standing there.

"You. You need to take him to the hospital immediately. He is suffering major blood loss from his shoulder and leg. Maintain pressure and check his vitals." I ordered the man standing on the left. The other soldier picked me up. I tried to push him away as I could walk by myself. Until I realized that there was a big piece of glass stuck in my thigh.

"Please... it's the least I could do since you saved our squad leader. You saved our sergeant... I can't thank you enough." He patiently states.

"It was no problem. You saved us... it's the least I can do to help."

"I'm Private Park... Park Jimin" The soldier tries to make small talk while on the way to the ambulance.

"Dr. Kim... Kim (F/N)..."

He drops me on a gurney and saluted me as the doors closed and the truck drove off. I rested my head on the pillow and closed my eyes just for a second before I drifted off to sleep.




I slowly open my eyes to find myself in a blank and blinding white room. I look around and find myself connected to an IV. I pull of the covers that surrounded my body and stare at the bandage that was wrapped around my thigh.

"I see you're awake Dr. Kim (F/N)." The man in the white coat says at the front door.

"You are?"

"Dr. Kim Seokjin... I'm both a doctor and a private. The other doctors are worrying about other injured soldiers, so I decided to just take you off their hands." He smirks and praises himself.

With such a handsome face... he sure is cocky as hell...

"Dr. Kim, how are my parents and my brother?" Dr. Kim walks over to one of the machines I'm hooked up to and begins to record the data on his chart. He then turns around to prepare a new set of bandages on the counter behind him.

"Let's not worry about that now... Focus on yourself and building up your strength again. I got to tell you (F/N), you are one tough cookie. Being able to withstand a shard of glass in your thigh and also helping another.... We could use someone like you." He looks over his shoulder. "You're not the typical face we see and your skills are truly amazing in the rushed amount of time."

He brings over the new set of bandages to my bed and sits down. "You should praise yourself you know." He begins cutting the old bandage that was wrapped around my leg. "Not everyone could handle the situation like you did." He then looks directly in my eyes. "You saved Sergeant Jungkook, someone that is crucial in our success. Without him, who knows if our lives would be safe?" He then smiles and then looks down to continue his work.

My Army Boy (Jungkook x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now