Chapter 3

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"Hi, this is David Adams with Rolling Stone magazine. I'm looking for someone by the name Goldie?"

"This is she!" Her eyes widen at the voice on the other end. Meanwhile, Andrew sits up, his attention already caught by the fake tone in her voice.

"We read your article. Good shit!" David says as he paces around a busy newsroom, a cigarette in his mouth and drink in hand.

"Thank you so much!" She feels her emotions getting too eager and attempts to tone down her excitement. This was her first time receiving attention from a magazine, let alone one of the most famous music publications. It was imperative she play it cool. She drops her tone down a few octaves. "Yeah, yeah, totally. Thanks."

"I was going over your article this morning with a few other editors. Good shit. It's going in the next issue, by the way. Gonna hit stands later this week."

"Awesome!" She does a quiet celebratory dance to herself when she realizes she sounds too eager. "I mean... that's cool. Thanks."

"Anyway, we've been hearing a lot about The Orphans. The next big thing from across the pond. Supposedly the next Rolling Stones."

"Yes, The Orphans are amazing, David Adams with Rolling Stone! Let me get my AGENT ON THE PHONE," she widens her eyes in Andrew's direction and accentuates her words to catch his attention, prompting him to hurriedly pick up the phone line from the kitchen and listen in.

"Shit!" Andrew shrieks as he's suddenly pulled back. The short cord prevents him to make his way back into her bedroom and he sits in the door frame, a large, goofy smile plastered across his face. Flush with excitement, they both hold the receivers and Andrew nods to her in approval to continue the conversation.

"Absolutely," David says. "Are we OK to continue? Wait... do you live with your agent?"

Andrew mouths "YOU CALLED ME AT MY OFFICE" and she acknowledges his suggestion with a nod.

"Oh, uh, you called me at my office!" She gives Andrew a thumbs up.

"Right on. Well, we were reviewing your article and wanted to pitch you an idea."

All of the blood in her body rushes from her face to her feet. Her heartbeat quickens to the pace of a hummingbird's wings. "Go on..."

"The Orphans are doing their first U.S. tour, which you already know."

"Absolutely. Definitely."

"And we want you, if you're interested, to document the trip."

"Oh? That sounds like a fantastic idea. What does this entail?" Nervous and scared, she looks to her best friend for support. Andrew obnoxiously moves his mouth up and down, mocking her. "What does this entail?" he jokingly exaggerates her question in attempt to make her laugh and feel less stressed. She struggles to hold back giggling.

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