Chapter 29

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Apricot sunshine attempts to break through the thin hotel bed sheet and illuminates Harry and Goldie laying underneath. They've submerged themselves in their fabric cocoon. Closed themselves off from world for their first moment of solitude in what feels like a lifetime.

"How are you feeling?" Goldie asks as she twists a lock of his hair around her index finger.

"Better now," he replies, pulling her in closer.

"Good." She gently tickles the side of his face, the sweet sensation causing him to close his eyes in response. "Can we stay here forever?"

"I was just thinking the same thing." Harry turns his head to kiss the palm of her hand. He takes in her scent. No matter where she was or what she'd been doing, she always managed to smell the same. Pure and sweet. "I'm sorry for the scene last night... "

Goldie shakes her head "no" and gives a reassuring smile. She's thankful Harry finally opened up like he did, no matter how loud it might have been to their neighbors. His soul is an opened wound that she could only bandage and mend.

"What you said at the club. About this being a mistake. Do you really believe that?" Harry's eyes turn solemn, the green turning slightly gray and the whites turning glassy with moisture and exhaustion.

"I did at the time but after last night, no."

"Good." Pink flushes back in his cheeks framing his perfect, wide grin. "Making out in front of Freddie Mercury, Elton John and Andy Warhol isn't exactly a story many can tell."

She reddens with embarrassment and covers her face at the memory, as well as the haunting image of her falling out of the room with Harry. A moment the whole band witnessed. She felt like a young child being caught with her hand in the cookie jar. A cookie jar she just couldn't seem to stay away from.

"I owe you an explanation, Harry," Goldie says with a deep breath. "I pull back when I'm scared. It's easier. No messy, sad goodbyes. No crying. It's simpler for me to get mad at some dumb thing you said on a sexist radio show than for me to have to face my reality. Because the reality is, this," she points to him and then back to herself several times. "This is true and wonderful and crazy and scary. I got so wrapped up in this so quickly and I've never done that before. I've never taken such a leap of faith for someone, especially when that someone is essentially my polar opposite. But the truth is, Harry, I love you. I've completely fallen for you. I'm Alice in Wonderland going down the rabbit hole and I'm so fucking scared what's going to happen when I hit the bottom. What'll happen when the tour ends."

"Then let's not let this end."

"The tour has to stop at some point, Harry."

"Not the tour. This." He copies her gesture from before and points rapidly from her to him. "Us."

Goldie | H.S.Where stories live. Discover now