Chapter 16

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Rays of sunshine dance on her skin. Eloquent strobes of light streak across her pale, vampire-like pale flesh. For so many years, she felt self conscious for the lack sun on the pigmentation of her largest organ, especially coming from a "beach town," but Harry appreciated it. Her skin was once untouched and pure. The personification of the Virgin Mary he was taught about in Catholic school. Freckles piece across the tops of her shoulders. Small specks of the tiny details changing deep beneath her pulsating vessels.

"Good morning," Harry's tired and raspy voice creeps through his lips.

"Morning," she squeaks back.

"So, um..." He wraps his arm around her, bringing her in close. Her body fits perfectly against his like a jigsaw piece created in this moment to bring solace to the puzzle of his psyche. "Are you okay?"

Harry wants nothing more than to hear her assurance. He did a good job. He didn't disappoint. He provided her an experience worth discussing for years to come. Interesting how a confident man can crave the attention and validation of a girl, so sweet and innocent, to make him feel complete. These factors are the most attractive part of her. He was thrown into a hard life at an early age. But he's now living through her light blue eyes. Experiencing the world through the cotton candy sweetness of her soul.

His hand plays with the elastic of her panties. "Whenever we're alone together, you have to wear-"

"Oi!" Grimmy's fist pounds on the thin fabric of their tent. "I have an update! And by the way, you aren't quiet in there. I have the tent next door and I didn't sleep at all last night."

Harry smiles against the skin of her shoulder. He plants a gentle kiss on her clavicle and goes to unzip the tent.

Goldie lays back, grabbing Harry's bicep and brings him back down with her. She wraps her arms around him and presses her fingertips into his back, turning the pinkness of his skin white under her touch. The kiss is deep and warm and welcoming, like sitting in front of the furnace after a night out in the cold. She could slip away forever in a state of almost complete sensory deprivation as long as she can feel his tongue pressed against hers. She can't help but bite into his bottom lip before he pulls away.

"Fuck. Why do you always taste so good? Like birthday cake." Harry leans down to kiss her on her neck one last time. "I can only imagine how the rest of you tastes."

"Wh- what do you mean?" Blood rushes to Goldie's cheeks and the hairs on her arm stand on end.

"What do you mean 'what do I mean?'" Harry's brow furrows and then loosens, the wrinkles between his eyes ironing out in a moment of realization and clarity. He was the first to explore her and he vowed to be the first to savor her, if she so desired. "We'll need to discuss this later. Duty calls." Harry turns one final time and leans close to her ear and whispers, "I bet you taste like apple pie on the 4th of July. In the meantime, you might want to cover yourself up." Harry tosses her a pair of bell bottoms. "This is only for me now. Right... Amy?"

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