Chapter 4

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~~~~~~~~~~1 year later~~~~~~~~~

Dew's P.O.V.

It's been a year since my mother died and I walked away from a rockstar. I lost myself that day and I don't remember much of when I was traveling. It was all a blur of highways, gas stations, cheap motels, and memories of my existence.

I woke up to reality about a month after I left. By that point I'd found myself in Kansas City. I decided to stay because I was tired of running and I just wanted to start over.

I stayed in a Motel 8 while I searched for a place to stay. It took me a couple weeks to find a house to rent, but it was worth it. The rent was very cheap because nobody wanted it. The locals believe it's haunted - and for good reason. Several people have been murdered in it.

So lucky for me who really doesn't give a shit, I moved in and started the job hunt. I searched for a couple months and my money was pretty much gone when I lost hope and decided to just go drink my problems away. Hitting up bar after bar, I slowly made my way into the crappier part of town.

I stumbled into another bar and ordered a whole bottle of whiskey. I sat at the counter and started downing the bottle. As I was drowning in my thoughts I felt a tap on my shoulder. Upon turning around I found a dirty looking young man. He saw the mostly empty bottle in my hands and the empty look in my eyes and pulled me up from my seat.

Walking along behind him with his hand still around mine, I was content to be led and finished off my bottle. We went to a door that had a beefy guy standing in front of it. He immediately let us in through the door. There were a few people in the room crowded around a table.

The boy cleared his throat and they all turned around to stare at me with questioning and slightly angry faces. They all started talking and in my drunken state all I could understand was that it was about me. After arguing for a bit they lowered their voices and moved a bit so there was now enough room at the table for him and I.

He guided me over and sat me down next to him. I looked up at the table and my mind seemed to clear up a bit as I finally registered what was laying in front of me. I started to panic as the rolled up bill made its way closer and closer and the white substance disappeared. There were two more neat lines left on the table and it was now my turn.

I struggled with myself and seeing my hesitation the boy took the bill and placed it at the start of a line. He guided my head to the closest end of the bill and told me to inhale and move the bill down the line until it was gone.

My nose immediately started burning like the fires of hell itself had ignited in it, but the rush that came crashing into my senses once the pain started to die down was worth it.

Maybe I had finally found my rainbow at the end of the storm.

I found out later it was speed. But I no longer cared. It made me feel and as much as I didn't want the pain, I didn't want to be numb anymore. I'd been drowning for too long and I was breaking the waves and gulping in the sweet, sweet toxins.

The rest of that night was a bit of a blur. More was brought out and the straw kept coming back. The man finally introduced himself as Ryan. He invited me home with him, and I too easily agreed. I remember him grabbing my hand and leaving the bar, and then next thing I know I'm climbing the stairs in a dirty ass apartment complex.

Ryan got the door unlocked while I just slouched against the wall trying to figure out where I was. He grabbed my hand again and pulled me in. Surprisingly enough, his place was fairly clean. Minus the mysterious stains on the carpet. We went and sat on the couch, and he pulled out a bag of the powder stuff. He held it up with a little lopsided grin on his face and said, "So little lady, would you like to continue the party?"

I don't quite remember my response, but basically it was a yes. Anything to make me numb, yet feel at the same time.

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