Chapter 5

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Dew's P.O.V.

I woke up in a bed that wasn't mine, surrounded by darkness. Trying to stand, I just end up falling down again because I can't feel anything.

My head is spinning and my stomach churns to the point that I can no longer resist, so I lean over and puke out whatever contents my stomache had. All I want is to just pass out again, and that is exactly what happens as I sink into oblivion.

I awoke once again with a start and I quickly realize the pounding in my head finally stopped. I also realized that this wasn't my apartment, and that was when the faint memories came flooding into my head. I groaned a bit to myself, and then I heard some noises coming from a different room. Sighing, I sat up knowing I wasn't going back to sleep anytime soon.

Almost as if he knew I was awake, Ryan nudged the door open and walked in with a tray of food. When he saw I was awake he smiled down at me and set the tray down on my lap. There was scrambled eggs, toast, and a glass of OJ. I then noticed the shirt I was wearing, and that I had nothing else on. Looking up sharply, I glared at Ryan and said, "Why the fuck am I just wearing your shirt?!?"

The smile dropped from his face and he started stammering, "Y-y-you h-had uh-um puke all over you w-when I c-came to check o-on you an-and I-I clean-cleaned you up-p." Shocked, my face instantly turned bright red and I apologized. "Shit I'm sorry! Well, um thank you. For everything." I whispered out the last part and ducked my head down because I never was good at apologizing.

He sat down on the edge of the bed and said, "It's cool um...I never did get your name." At that I looked back up at him and said, "Crap my bad, my name is Dew. But go ahead and call me Dee...I'm trying to shake the past off." He looked at me strangely but continued on saying, "Well Dee, I'd be happy to help you out. When I saw you the other night it looked like you were in a pretty bad mood." Blushing I ducked my head down again and instead of replying simply grabbed a piece of toast and started eating.

"Well I'm just gonna let you eat and go grab your clothes out of the dryer and bring you a towel so you can take a shower when you're done. After that maybe we could talk a bit." And with that he stood up and walked out of the room. He returned a few moments later with everything then left me to my own devices. After eating and showering, I'd decided that I was done being a little pussy and exited out of the bedroom. I found Ryan sitting in the living room as he was rolling a bill up. My eyes zeroed in on the neat line on the table in front of him, and I raised my slightly shaking hand and knocked on the doorframe. He jumped a bit, and turned to look at me with a smile almost immediately coming onto his face.

"Feeling better?" He asked. I just nodded my head and let my eyes stray down to the line. He followed my gaze then looked back at me. "Would you like a line too?" At his question I found a small battle ensuing in my head, but I tried to shove all the doubts into the back of my head and said "Yeah." At my answer he pulled a pill bottle out of his pocket and pulled a baggy out of it with some sort of diamond looking rocks. I watched him crush some up and form another line.

"Well are you going to come sit down or something? I don't bite unless you want me to." He cheekily added with a lopsided grin taking form on his face. His words broke me out of a stupor and I blushed a bit, then walked over and sat down next to him. I finally found my voice and said, "It's just that last night was my first time...." Saying that only brought a deeper blush onto my face, and I looked down to try to hide it. I heard him suck in his breath then say, "Are you sure then?" I looked back up at him and nodded my head. "I suppose I should tell you my story, but first I've got an itch to burn in my nose." He laughed and handed me the bill saying, "Ladies first."

I quickly snorted the line before I could change my mind and passed him the bill and thought about where I would start with my story as he took his line. I was suddenly broke out of my thoughts by Ryan's hand waving in my face with a concerned look on his. "You don't have to tell me if you don't want to Dee."

I shook my head a bit to clear the daze off and said, "No I want to, I just don't know where to start. But I guess a good starting place would be with my dad. He was the best dad I could've ever asked for..." I told him about all the times I had spent with my dad, and then started in on my poor excuse of a mother. Throughout my entire tale he kept silent, and the only way I knew he was still listening was by looking at his expressions. It was funny how I couldn't seem to shut up even though I was telling this complete stranger things I hadn't told anybody else before, still leaving out some things that I never wanted to even think about again, but I guess that's drugs for you.

When I finally got to me getting to Kansas City, I finally paused and took a deep breath. Fuck my throat hurt from talking so much. "Um Ryan, could I get a glass of water or something?" I asked with my voice sounding slightly rough. He immediately jumped to his feet and rushed to the kitchen mumbling a quick "be right back" on his way. He was back in a flash handing me the glass, and I downed the whole thing quickly finally soothing the burn in my throat.

I set the glass down, took a deep breath and continued, "I got here about a year ago now. I found a cheap place that nobody wanted, and I've been supporting myself with the money that I had but that's almost gone. I've been looking for work almost the entire time, but nobody will hire me. Honestly I'm about to get kicked out because I haven't paid rent in two months and I'm just fucking tired of trying. I figured I could just drown my sorrows away, which honestly seemed to work out just fine." I laughed a bit and looked down playing with my hands.

We sat in silence for a while and I finally got tired of the quiet, and said "I know I just met you and I'm sorry for dumping all my crap on's just nice to get it all out you know?" With that he let out a deep breath and said, "Damn Dee you've had it rough. But I could help you out if you want? You can come live with me, I certainly wouldn't mind it. Gets a bit lonely sometimes and the bar we were at well, I'm good friends with the guy that owns it. He's been looking for some help since his last bartender up and quit on him."

At his words I felt something spark up inside of me.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 04, 2017 ⏰

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