{06} Sketched Hearts

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"is he cute?"

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"is he cute?"

"So..." I dragged out. "Mum."

"Mhm," she said incoherently, clearly focused on scooping up the last piece of her lasagne. The strong smell was still coming from the oven although it's been almost an hour since mother finished making dinner. We ate terribly slow but our dinners were a time where we mostly talked.

"There's this boy..." I dragged out quietly, afraid of her reaction. I felt like the bright light from the small chandelier hung above the dining table had shone even brighter and situated all its power onto me.

I hate the light. I remember I was in a preschool play or something and I was one of the readers. It was a bad idea because I cried and ran off the stage when I felt a bright white light shine on me. I'm pretty sure all I had to say was 'And they lived happily ever after.' since we were doing some princess story.

Mother's head shot right up, she completely forgot about her food. "Is he cute?" she blurted, then covering her mouth with her hand, her ears tinged a pale pink.

I blushed bright red, an even darker colour than my mother but just like a routine, I bit my lip, my feet began tapping on its own and my hands grew clammy and wet. It was just something that always happened to me, I couldn't stop it.

She coughed. "Sorry. It's a natural instinct. What's his name?"

"Carson," I mumbled, pushing the meat left to right on the red-sauced stained plate.

"Last name?" Mother raised an eyebrow.

"López," I responded, putting the last piece into my mouth and chewing slowly because of all the attention.

"You mean Fred's kid?"

"You know him?" I asked, my voice splashed with a bucket of surprise. I knew he was popular but I didn't think he was popular with the parents.

"Fred López right?" Mother inquired, wiping her mouth with the napkin for the tenth time. She was such a neat freak and so lady-like in comparison to me.

I nodded. "I believe so."

"Yeah, he's bad news. Stay away from him," Mother warned, pushing back her chair and picking up her plate. "Are you done?" She pointed to my plate and I nodded so she picked it up to and walked into the kitchen, leaving me staring into space.

Why is he bad news? How does mother know Fred? I'm pretty sure everyone knows Carson and his parents. Fred and Ellie López owned a few restaurants scattered all over, they weren't big yet but no one has to be a fortune teller to be able to tell they were going to become big across the world within less than a decade or two.

Perhaps another reason for Carson's popularity; his money. He pretty much had everything. The looks, the brain, the body and the wealth. I wasn't definitely sure about his personality though. From what I've seen from the years I've been in high school, he seemed to be like all those stereotypical jocks who are narcissists.

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