7: People Like You

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Update for my lovely readers!! Thank you for those who decided to read my story! i really appreciate it and hopefully you like it!!

-Ignore the grammar and spelling please :3, i promise i'll improve!!-


Taehyung's mind went blank when Jeongguk mentioned the terms "mates" to him. Yes, they're mates. so what? is it the time for them to have sex now? Hell no, Taehyung thought. He won't give in easily.

"S-so what? Y-you're gonna m-mate me to like other alphas out there?" Taehyung huff and take a stand back, feeling a bit scared. Jeongguk can sense by the scent of the omega that he's scared and in distress. Jeongguk sigh and turns away. Taehyung is not gonna make it easy for him, is he?

"No, Taehyung, it's just....." Jeongguk can feel the heat creeping up to his cheeks, feels embarrased to expressing his feelings to his mate. Taehyung silently watching Jeongguk, waiting him to continue.


"What?" Taehyung frowns, not understanding what he said.

"Just don't live there. Live here with me"

"No, if we're gonna live together then you're the one who should move in to my house!!!" Taehyung said, feeling victorious that he can feel Jeongguk want to say no, but then he realized what a stupid thing to say it was. Jeongguk give him a devilish smirk.

"Ung, no, that was stupid, i didn't mean--"

"Okay" Jeongguk nodded

"No no no no, i didn't mean to be--"

"You said yourself, Taehyung....of course i will move in with you" Jeongguk feels giddy that Taehyung want him to be closer, even though he will live in that house, Jeongguk take a mental note that he will ask someone to defintely fix things up and make it warm and cozy for both of them.

"Jeongguk, no...." Taehyung whined, feeling dejected because something he said backfired him.

"I will see you soon in our house....Taehyung" Jeongguk

Taehyung blushed and his heart beats so fast he couldn't control it. He saw Jeonggu smirks at him while walking pass at him.

"Yah it is my house not yours you bratty muscle bunny ugly coconut head!!!"

Jeongguk turns and fastly pinned Taehyung to the wall. He glares at Taehyung and Taehyugn whimpered in submission.

"It's hyung to you, you brat" their faces are inches apart and Taehyung turns his head, not wanting to see and stare at the beautiful black orbs of Jeongguk's.  He then released Taehyung and leave taehyung alone in the room.


Taehyung feels bored of not having anything to do, and ended up in the kitchen with Jin and Jimin, helping him chopping vegetables for dinner.

"Taehyung-ah, i'm surprised you still hasn't have your heats after meeting Jeongguk, omegas usually having heats after they meet their mates, right?" Jimin asked while washing some cucumber and eggplants.

Taehyung smiles sheepishly. He embarrassed of telling Jimin he takes pill to supressed his hormones and heats.

"I-i don't know..maybe soon"

"And are you ready to let Jeongguk help you when you're in heat?" Jin piped up, grilling some meats on the corner. Taehyung gulp and shakes his head. He is afraid of Jeongguk and feeling Jeongguk and him...having...intimate...sexual...thingy...Taehyung shakes his head again, blushed as his ears become red.

"Omo! you're so cute Taehyung-ah" Jimin pat his head softly and pinch his cheeks.

"Hyung!!" Taehyung whined and hid his face with his sweater paws.

"Aish....i don't want to wash these dirty plates, taehyung, do you want to?" Jimin look at him with pleading eyes, Taehyung beams and nod excitedly.

"I'll do it hyung!!" Taehyung carefully pick up the pile of dirty plates and happily walking to the sink outside the kitchen. He hums happily until someone tripped him and make him fall on the ground, with the screeching sounds of plates shattering to the ground. Taehyung gasp and winced when some of the shattered glass cut his hands. He look up and see Chaeyong and Hyerin smirk and Lisa traiing behind them.

"No........why did you do it?" Taehyung get up and look at the shattered glass and carefully pick up pieces, even though ended up hurting himself in the process.

"You don't belong here!! and stop trailing jeongguk!! don't you think he deserves better than some poor omega like you?" Hyerin laugh mockingly and Lisa smack her on her back.

"Hyerin that's enough!! we'll be in trouble! if they find us!"

"Y-you will get d-detention if you keep bothering me!" Taehyung yelled, trying to be intimidating but they just laugh at him.

"Listen you freak" Hyrein push Taehyung to the ground, Taehyung groan in pain as now some glass make contact with his knee and legs. He looked up and see Hyerin spat at him.

"You don't belong here, even if you're the rarest breed of all of us. Doesn't make any difference. You're just gonna put us in danger!! Don't you know that rogues out there are looking for male omegas? because yes, you're a slut, they're gonna make you slut and people like you would always be a slut!" She gave a good kick on Taehyung's back.

"That's enough!!!" a voice and stomping of steps suddenly heard, Taehyung look at the side and see Jin and Jimin running towards Taehyung, helping him up.

"I'll report you to the Luna if you don't apoogize" Jin glares at them. 

"Go on, apologize, right now!" Jin yelled. They all bowed and apologized to taehyung, taehyung forgive them and they all finally getting away from Taehyung.

"taehyung, you're bleeding!! I'll get you to the clinic, can you walk?"

Taehyung just nods, he look at the shattered plates on the ground, sad that he caused trouble again for this pack.

"hey, it's okay, accident happened. The Luna will understand. It's not your fault anyway, we saw everything" Jin assured Taehyung that he is not in trouble, but taehyung, being the sensitive person he is, still blame himself. He should've just stay in the Omega's Den, cleaning.

"Thank you hyung..." said Taehyung softly.

"Don't let her get to you Taehyung, you are precious" Jimin smiles, encourage him but Taehyung know it's all full of lies.

People like him will always be treated lowly and get bullied, and Taehyung...somehow accept it. That's because being bullied, harassed, and called slut and useless have been his daily insult for as long as he remembers.

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