14: Waiting for You

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Taehyung can only watch. How he bite and wounds the wolf around him. They don't even move after he bite him once. It's like something killed them instantly once they touch him. Taehyung screamed inside. He begged and begged to make whoever it is to stop him. He doesn't want to do any of it. He was crying and trying to stop but he can't.  He was trapped in his own body.

Taehyung was uncontrollable, with every words that Minho said, demanding him to slaughtered everyone he saw made him sick to his stomach. But his body doesn't want to listen to him, he was longing for his mate and it's not Jeongguk, it's Minho, and Taehyung hates it. Meanwhile Jeongguk, Yoongi and Hoseok are trying to fight off Minho's pack while his dad, namjoon, jin as well as jimin are trying to find their luna.

"There he is!! He must be Taehyung!!"  Suga said to Jeongguk, and Jeongguk can only froze on the spot. Taehyung was attacking other wolf without mercy. His fur is mkre greyish and his eyes....they're not Taehyung's. Taehyung's eyes are full of warmth and love. Jeongguk shake his head and try to focus. He needs to mark Taehyung, but he can't do it if he is in his wolf form. 

"Gguk, any plans on how you'd marked taehyung yet? We need to act fast!!" Suga yelled as he dodged some of the wolf trying to attack him. Jeongguk bite one of the wolf leg and basically throw him away.

Jeongguk aware that he can't fight all day long and if Taehyung is uncontrollable. Jeongguk shift into his human form, he runs to the closest position he can to Minho who busy telling Taehyung what to do, and Taehyung....his mate....is become a killing machine and Jeongguk can't stand it. He take out his two knifes and aimed it at the wolf not so far in front of him, who busy growling and attacking his own friends. Yoongi and Hoseok are swamp as Taehyung keep attacking them. Jeongguk's tear escape his eyes as he rub his knifes with poison.

Jeongguk raise his hands and tears can't stop streaming down his face.

"I'm sorry Taehyung...."

With all of the power that he has, he throw the two knifes with precision. Minho gasp as he felt a dull pain on his chest. He looked down on his chest to see a knife stabbing his chest. He fell down immediately and throwing up blood. The poison has already started to work on his body. The wolf in front of him let out a painful growl as he stumbled and finally collapsed to thw ground. The wolf shifted to human form and there he was.  Taehyung was shaking as he started to throwing up blood as well.

Jeongguk ran as fas as he can to Taehyung, take the omega on his arms.

"Taehyung...please please stay with me!! I am sorry!!!" jeongguk take out a small bottle of liquid and he quickly pour it in taehyung's mouth, forcing the boy to gulp it down. Taehyung eyes are still aqua blue but at least he was limp in jeongguk's arm.

"Jeongguk!!!" he can hear his dad's voice coming closer.

"Your mom's is wounded badly, we need to go rigjt now" Gong Yoo was carrying his wife wounded body. Jeongguk's blood boil as the two important people of Jeongguk was hurt because of that asshole minho.

"Jeongguk!! Minho is still alive!! You need to mark taehyung or else we're gonna get killed" Hoseok is pinning down minho while Namjoon is pinning down taemin. Minho was trying to mumble incoherent words, trying to reach out to taehyung.

Jeongguk nodded and he tilted taehyung's neck. He felt angry looking at the bond mark between minho and him. His eyes turned red and his canines are out. Without hesitation,  he bite taehyung's neck deep, making sure his bond is formed. Jeongguk feels a wave of pleasure through his body. Feeling he was completely united with Taehyung. Taehyung was jerked away for a second, but then his eyes are completely shut. Jeongguk's panic as he put his head on Taehyung's chest, he let out a relief sigh as he can sense his mate's heartbeat.

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