34: Me, You, and Them.

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-8 months later-

Joengguk hums and stir in his sleep, slowly opening his eyes. He frowns when he found Taehyung isn't sleeping next to him. He gets up immediately and rush to the living room. Jeongguk panics as he doesn't find Taehyung there but he can still smell his omega's scent and he smiles when he see Taehyung standing at the porch of their small house. He tiptoed to the younger boy and slowly backnhugging him, wrapping his arm around Taehyung's bump and rubbing it softly.

"Good morning baby..." Jeongguk kiss taehyung's head and the omega's lean into the touch, hands placed above joengguk's hand in his belly.

"Good morning gguk..."

"and good morning to the two of you too" Jeongguk rubs Taehyung's bump and the omega giggle cutely. Yes, after they get married were happy to announced that Taehyung is pregnant and they were expecting twins. Taehyung was worried alot because he had miscarriaged before, but doctos assured him that even though his pregnancy will be difficult, but Taehyung still can carry their babies.

"How are you feeling?"

"Ung...my feet are swollen, my back hurts...but yeah i'm fine" Taehyung rest his head on Taehyung's shoulder, he's been waking up since in the middle of the night because their pups seem to be very active, kicking here and there and it was just a pure pain for Taehyung. He feels exhausted already, and it's still morning. Jeongguk pick the omega briday style suddenly, making the younger boy yelp and cling to Jeongguk.

"Gguk! I'm heavy...." Taehyung mumbling in Jeongguk's neck but still cling to him. Jeongguk only smiles and kiss his cheek while walking to their living room and put the omega on the couch. Taehyung sigh rubs his bump. His baby bump are so big because of the twins inside of him.

"I'll make breakfast" Jeongguk steal couple of kisses but Taehyung seems not in a good mood to kiss back his husband.

"Hey, you okay?"

"Yeah it's just....tired..can you just...ask Jin hyung to bring us food and help me massage my legs and back?" Taehyung starts to bend on the couch to touch his foot but he slump back to the couch, his bump is prevent him from bending too much and sometimes it frustrates the omega too.

"Of course baby" Jeongguk quickly sent Jin Hyun a text and back to the living room to give his husband kisses and cuddles. Taehyung sometimes wimper in pain because of the twins kicking and being active inside of Taehyung and Jeongguk felt bad because he can only cuddling Taehyung and whispering sweet nothings to him. Fe wminutes later, the door of his house is open, revealing Jin and Namjoon bringing their food.

"I heard someone is having a hard time?" Jin rushly get into the roo and put the food on the table.

"Joon, please set the food for them okay" Namjoon only nods and Jin quickly sit next to Taehyung who makes grabby hands at him.

"Jin hyung...thanks for helping us" Tahyung hug the older man and JIn just shush him. A wave of pain suddenly hit Taehyung and he gasp and whimpers. He put his hands and rubs his bums softly, hoping it would calm the twins. Beads of sweats starts to wet Taehyung's forehead and the scent of distress fills the room immediately.

"Ah.....gguk...." Taehyung is now crying and keep his hands rubbing his swollen stomach.

"Hey hey hey...Tae..breathe...breathe...."

Taehyung shakes his head and keep groaning in pain, he clutch Jeongguk's shirt so tight and look at Jeongguk with his pleading eyes.

"It hurts jeonggukie....it hurts...." Taehyung choke out a sobs andJeongguk hugs the omega in his arms.

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