I really should've just expected this honestly

30 8 32


This is strange
MatPat's my favourite
Like Liza, like Tim
He dies

Why aren't I a mess
What's wrong with me

Honestly I think it's the denial
Seriously, this morning I was going to the EtN wiki and fully accepting that Colleen would be the next to die - and hah! No.
Not even a chance.

I mean...there's a lot of proof that he'll be brought back to life because their main goal is to find something called The Lazarus Coins, which refers to the Lazarus Harp, which can bring people back to life.
Also in the trailer he's in two scenes that haven't happened yet.

Ah I dunno

I'm gonna read The Dragonet Prophecy before the realization kicks in

- Dawson

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