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After literal years of being part of the MCSM fandom, I actually finally am starting a few actual stories based on it

Only took me literally three years (and I still can't believe I joined Wattpad before Rush and Jasmine did holy crap-)

One's purely around the Blaze Rods, and one's basically a big nostalgia-fest. I'll talk about the latter first since I've just started planning the skeleton structure to it n stuff


It's mainly still kind of a flimsy sudden idea so idk-

Someone's stolen the enchanted flint and steel, and they've managed to use it to open up different portals in the hallway to come to Jesse's world. 

Past evil-doers plus some new baddies come to wreck havoc on the dimension they've been placed in, endangering literally everything. She learns that it's Hadrian and Mevia's doing, and the only way they'll let her go and fix up/close the portals will be if she participates in their "new and improved" games.
All of the teams are people she knows, and every single Game and challenge will be tailored to one of Jesse's old enemies; the Witherstorm, PAMA, the mansion and Cassie, all that good stuff.

Jesse's team would be herself, Petra, Lukas, and Ivor, while probably Radar, Jack and Nurm would be on a separate team because I miss the original four.

I kind of want it to be this explosive the-whole-gang's-here kinda story where all the enemies that aren't seen as villains (the BoomTown residents, the Blaze Rods, maybe Cassie) are all teams and have to begrudgingly work together to get out,,

and I also wanna kinda have it be a trial for Jesse; "Are you really the good guy you say you are?" that kind of thing

But at the same time holy crap that would be an absolute mind-bending explosion and I already have TGwP I really have to work on??

But I also really like the idea, plus then I'd have more stuff to work on and just more fun MCSM projects other than the randomness books??

Also also this is a really flimsy kind of idea so does anyone want to help me brainstorm? Kind of what Rush did with her Lesser Evil chapter but I feel like I'm copying her so uh maybe not lol-

But yeah basically all I have is, "Hadrian and Mevia make a twice as terrifying Games and it turns into a trail/jailbreak insanity adventure" so I probably need help with ideas hah

that would definitely be appreciated! 
hnn I have too many ideas urg-

- Dawson

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