He Makes You Feel Insecure - Liam (PART TWO)

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Liam:     When you got home you got out of the car and headed straight into the house. You didn’t want to talk to him at all. As soon as you got into the house you picked up the house phone and called El. If anybody would be able to help you with your problem it would be her.

            “Hello?” You heard her answer.

            “Hey El.” You sighed. “It’s Y/n. Are you busy?”

            “No actually.” She began. “Louis is out with his sister. Is everything okay?”

            “No.” You began shaking her head even though she couldn’t see you. “I need your help.”

            “What do you need?” She asked confused.

            “I need advice on clothes.” You sighed once again. “Do you wanna go to the mall?”

            “Sure I’ll pick you in five minutes or so.” She said.

            “Thanks El.” You smiled. “I owe you one.”

            “Anytime.” She said.

With those words you hung up the phone. You turned around to see a still upset Liam. He was biting his lip looking down at the ground.

            “I’ll be back.” You whispered heading towards the door.

            “Where are you going?” He asked his voice soft.

            “I’m going to the mall with El.” You shrugged. “She’s going to help me pick out clothes.”

            “Don’t go.” He pleaded.

            “Liam I’m going.” You said looking at him with hard eyes. “You made it very clear at the store.”

Before he could say anything you heard a beep coming from outside. You looked at him one more time before you said, “I’ll be back later.”

Liam’s POV!

As soon as the door shut I sat down on the couch with my face in my hands. I have to make her see how stupid I’m being. Just then it hit me like a ton of bricks. I stood up and ran to the phone. I called all the rest of the guys and told them my plan. I smiled when the all said they would help. We had a lot of work to do in a little bit of time, but this had to work, it just had to.

Regular POV!

You walked into the house smiling back at El, waving as she pulled away to leave. You had bags upon bags of clothes. Hopefully this would satisfy Liam. When you shut the door and turned back around you gasped. In front of you hanging on the stairs was the dress you tried on from earlier. You placed the bags down on the floor and walked over to the dress.

 “Liam.” You sighed turning around to look at him. “This is amazing. Thank you. I love it.”

            “Yeah?” He asked smiling.

            “It’s perfect.” You nodded hugging him.

            “I’m so sorry.” He began placing his hands on your face. “I never meant to hurt you baby girl.”

            “I know.” You nodded looking at him. “We all say things we don’t mean sometimes right? We all say stupid things.”

            “So does that mean you forgive me?” He asked his deep brown eyes hopeful.

            “Yes.” You nodded giggling.

A huge smile curved his lips and he pressed his lips to yours for a sweet yet amazing kiss. When he finally pulled away you rested your forehead against his and said, “And now I’ll have a spot for all my new clothes.”

            “New clothes?” He asked.

            “Mmm hmm.” You nodded. “El helped me pick out some new stuff.”

            “How about a fashion show for all my hard work, yeah?” He asked smirking.

            “I think I can do that.” You nodded heading back downstairs to get all the new stuff you just bought.

Credit: mzerry1d

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