BSM Series #2 - You're Dating One of The Boys

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Niall (Louis): “You’re sure he’s no one’s home?” Louis asks as you walk with him into your living room. “Yes. They all went out. I told them I don’t feel that good.” you tell him. “You know I don’t like it when you lie.” he says seriously as you sit on the couch together. You roll your eyes and snuggle into his side before you start the movie. “Yeah yeah. Now come on let’s watch a movie.” you say as he wraps an arm around your shoulders. You both stayed quiet as the voices from the movie fills the room. “It’s nice to have some time alone.” you mumble against his shoulder as you enjoy his warmth. “I know.” he whispers and tilts your chin up to kiss you. Slowly you move your lips against his completely forgetting what happens around you. “(Y/N)!” a familiar voice yells suddenly. You both jump apart and you turn around to see Niall. “I come back because I was worried and you sit her with some bo- Wait. Louis?” he yells confused as he realizes who sits next to you. “Hey Niall.” Louis says cheerfully. You shot him a look but still you had to laugh. “So what. You’re together now?” You look over to Louis and sigh. “To be honest yes.” you admit and grab Louis hand. He’s silent for a few minutes before shaking his head. “I should have known there’s something going on.” he chuckles. “Are you ok with it?” you ask carefully. “Just tell me if he treats you badly.” he jokes before he leaves you two alone.

Liam (Harry): “I missed you so much.” Harry mumbles into your neck as you hug him tightly. “I missed you too.” you say quietly so only he could hear it. You stay like this for a few seconds but pull away so no one would notice something. “Finally.” Liam chuckles as he wraps his arms around you. “I start to think you like Harry more then me.” he jokes as he hugs you tightly. You laugh nervously as you pull back and glance over to Harry who looks uncomfortable. Liam invited you to stay with him on tour for a few weeks and you accepted since you wanted to see your brother and your secret boyfriend. Liam takes your bags and you start to walk to the tour bus. Since he talks with Zayn you and Harry stay back a little bit. Suddenly Harry intertwines your hands. “What are you do-” “We see him. Don’t worry.” Harry reassures you. You relax and walk with him slowly. After a bit Liam was already on the tour bus. “I can’t wait any longer.” Harry says and quickly kisses your lips sweetly. He pulls away still with your finger intertwine and you turn to talk towards the bus but stop as you see Liam leaning against it with his arms crossed. “I guess you really like him more.” he sighs. “Look man. I’m sorry. I know we said that our sisters are off limits but we just.” Harry tries to explain and shrugs his shoulders at the end. “I see.” Liam nods. “Well as long as she’s happy.”

Louis (Zayn): “What?” Louis asks loudly as you finished talking. “I’m dating Zayn.” you whisper again. “No you don’t. He’s one of my best friends and I’m not ok with that. What if you break up someday? Which side should I take? You’re my baby sister so no.” he says angrily. “But Zayn.” you try to argue but he cut you off. “I said no.” he yells finally. A tear rolls down your face and you quickly run out of your house towards your boyfriend’s. As Zayn opened the door he quickly hugs you. “What’s wrong.” he mumbles into your hair as he leads you towards the couch. “He says we can’t date.” you sob into his chest. “Shh babe. Tell me who says this.” he tries to calm you down. “Louis. I told him we’re together and he doesn’t want us dating.” you state more calmly. “He didn’t mean it. Maybe he can’t accept that his ‘little’ sister is dating someone. Come on. Call him and then we’ll talk together about it.” Zayn suggests. You nod and start to call your brother. “(Y/N)? Oh thank god. Where are you?” Louis asks worriedly. “At Zayn’s.” you say simply. ‘Of course’ you hear him mumble before he speaks clearly. “I’m coming over.” he says before ending the call. After he arrived at Zayn’s you three talked together. “If you don’t hurt her then I’m ok but please. I don’t want to hear that you broke her heart.” Louis explains. “I won’t do that.” Zayn promises and kisses you. “And none of that if I’m around.” your brother laughs.

Zayn (Niall): You and Niall got to know each other because you had the chance to spend some time on tour with your brother. He invited you so you could be with him but he never thought you would develop a crush on one of his best friends. Knowing Zayn he could get protective especially about you. This is why you and Niall tried to hide the fact you like each other when others are around. Over the time it got more difficult as it was hard to hide a relationship. After one of their concerts ended you were all on the tour bus watching a movie. As you didn’t had any crisps left you go to Niall and take some of his. “Since when do you share food.” Harry jokes but your brother’s head immediately shots towards you two. “Yeah since when?” he asks seriously. You gulp as you see his expression. Helpless you look to Niall and he shrugs his shoulders since he doesn’t know either what to do. You knew it was time. “Well look. I wanted-We wanted to tell you something. We’re kinda together.” you say quickly. He only nods and stands up walking out of the room. “He took it better then I thought.” Niall states. You hit his shoulder and walk after your brother. “You’re ok?” you ask Zayn as you find him. “Yeah. I’m just a bit sad you didn’t told me earlier. I mean almost everyone could see it. If you’re happy then it should be ok.” he chuckles. “And I thought you’re mad.” you laugh and hug your supportive brother.

Harry (Liam): “(Y/N). I can’t do this anymore.” Liam says clearly frustrated. “Why? I know how Harry gets if we tell him.” you whine. The whole time you discussed. Liam wanted to tell everyone you two are dating but you want to keep it a secret mostly because of your overprotective brother. “(Y/N). Look. If you’re not grown up enough to go to your brother and tell him we’re together then I’m not sure if you take this relationship serious.” he states finally and leaves mad your house. Frozen you watch him go and realize what this could me. Did you break up? You can’t help it as little tears escape your eyes. You sob quietly but then your door opens. “What’s wrong?” Harry asks as he sees you crying. “I’m stupid.” you explain quietly. “What? Why?” he asks confused as he sits you down. “Please don’t get mad.” you beg. “I won’t” he promises. “Well Liam and I are dating or maybe were.” you admit quietly. “What?” he says raising his voice but stays calm as you give him a look. “”Ok. But is he the reason you’re crying?” You nod and shake your head no at the same time. “He wanted to tell you we’re dating since he felt bad about lying to you but I was scared of your reaction and wanted to leave it a secret. He said he’s not sure if I’m mature enough for a relationship then.” you add quietly. Harry takes his phone out and types something. “He’s on his way.” Harry tells you and shows you his phone. You smile as you read the text which says that he knows about you and that you were scared. Only minutes later Liam comes back and reassured you he was just a little bit angry but never meant to hurt you. “Don’t do this again Payne.” Harry states strictly before leaving you two alone.

Credit: onedirection-bsm

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