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Samantha glanced up as her friend walked through the front entrance of the clinic dressed a little too casual for her liking. The blonde threw up her index finger signaling she needed a minute as she dipped out of sight. Though she didn't agree with Cat's after work attire, she was all too grateful to gather her things from her locker in the nurse's office that was located right behind the reception desk.

With yet another busy day behind her, Samantha made her way back to the front happy that the madness had finally come to an end. To her chagrin, she'd made it to the lobby only to catch sight of her boss gravitating towards Cat.

Before she was able to properly warn her bestie concerning the predator with the flawless smile, the doctor had already circled and migrated towards her. Of the numerous examples she'd planned to share with her friend concerning the do's and don'ts of interacting with the superficial men in Beverly Hills, Samantha was already too late because her lecherous boss had swooped in and locked that alluring smile on fresh prey.

Samantha truly despised the idea of watching anyone she cared about on the receiving end of Dr. Ari Gold's misguided affections. Based on the stories that occasionally popped in the society pages about her employer, what he lacked was evident to anyone who knew him because the man honestly seemed to hold no respect for women. A principle he'd proven time and time again rang clear whenever he'd hooked up with a woman and was reported to have dropped her before she got a chance to learn anything of substance about him.

Samantha watched from the sidelines unable to stop the train wreck that geared itself up to happen sooner rather than later.

"Good afternoon, Chanel. How was your first day?"

"Afternoon, Dr. Gold." She paused briefly before answering his question.

"It was freaking awesome. Thanks for asking."

Samantha took note to the flirtatious lilt of her friend's voice as the young woman beamed up at the doctor. Based on what she'd observed over the years, Samantha held no malice in her heart for her boss, but she was quite certain that his disposition was faker than a three dollar bill. Over time, she had witnessed the serious professional side of him as well as the side that was only interested it satisfying his voracious appetites.

Assessing the show of concern that the doctor put on for her friend assured Samantha that what he'd exhibited had been manufactured to gain Cat's trust. From the smile he'd received in return, Samantha could tell her bestie was genuinely impressed that he'd recalled their conversation from earlier that morning.

"Please, call me Ari. Dr. Gold is what everyone calls my father. I'm simply Ari."

The doctor patiently reeled her in with cute conversation as the onlooker sighed from a distance.

Samantha considered the scene from the background and came to the conclusion that Cat didn't have a chance in the world against someone like him.

Ari Gold wielded the quirkiest little grin that gave his beautiful face a boyish sense of character he'd learned to skillfully use to disarm a woman's apprehension. A glance from him left them feeling a warm sensation stirring inside the longer they remained in the doctor's vicinity. The pools of blue staring into a woman's soul further rendered her defenseless until she was floating on a cloud as he figuratively swept the knees right out from under the lady who'd found herself caught in his gaze.

"Ok... Ari." She stated his name in barely a whisper.

As Samantha observed the scene, she could see that Dr. Gold knew he was well on his way to overcoming any objections Cat might raise. Samantha would liken what transpired before her to witnessing a baby lamb being stalked by the big bad wolf. She saw how Ari chuckled to himself as he laid his fictional persona on thick.

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