۞3۞ (BWWM) 📋

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Cat accepted that she needed time to get a better handle on how people lived in the city. To learn more about her new surroundings, she and her friend opted to complete a bit of new job reconnaissance a few days after Cat's arrival. Once they identified the route that would lead them to work with the least amount of headache, the friends agreed to tackle their transportation responsibilities as a team.

Venturing out to the address where Cat was scheduled to start her orientation, they'd indulged in a brief shopping trip and brunch. With a good understanding of how day one should be handled, the friends expressed their contentment with what had been planned.

Since their jobs were a short distance from one another and their workdays ended around the same time, Samantha and her bestie decided it would be a good idea to carpool saving them time and money. As far as they were concerned, their plan was a win-win for both of them.

After enjoying a nice meal and some lively conversation the day before Cat's new career was set to start, the two young ladies headed home to prepare the Arkansas transplantee for the experience of life on the West Coast and all of its splendor.


"Do you think we can leave an hour early today?" Samantha requested as they gathered their effects.

"Sure, what's up?"

"I know I should have brought it up yesterday, but we were having so much fun, I forgot. My boss tasked me with refilling the snack bar in the employee lounge."

"Mmmm, so boushwar. I like the sound of that. Employee lounge and snack bar... so chi chi." Cat snickered to herself.

"We have an image to uphold, so don't even go there. You know our office is in Beverly Hills."

"So, because of your location y'all can't say I need to bring snacks to the break room?"



The two ladies exchanged dismissive glances.

"Girl, money is a heck of a thing. Everyday average stuff becomes bigger than life just because of a zip code. I guess that's what happens when you actually live in Beverly Hills 9 0 2 1 0."

The ladies giggled like schoolgirls at the mention of the once popular television series centered around the wealthy and not-so-wealthy students at a Beverly Hills high school.

Samantha went on to explain that she needed to purchase freshly ground coffee and healthy snack items. She further stated that it was best to get in and out of the store before traffic became unmanageable.

Since Mondays were her days to bring in necessities then submit the receipts to the financial department, Samantha hoped to leave home early enough to stop by a local grocery store, pick up the supplies for the medical center, and get to the office before they opened the doors to patients.

It was pretty standard that Mondays were hectic which meant the staff would greatly benefit from the free refreshments the doctor supplied to his team.

Following any given weekend, new and old clients flocked into the office after spotting the latest cosmetic upgrades on their friends and enemies. Seeking to outdo the competition, clients sought to incorporate any new enhancements they were sure would give them the look that would place them in the position of being better than everyone else.

Beverly Hills was all about the look. Either you commanded the look or not. That look came with a certain measure of power and power was the end game after all.

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