New Or Old Friends?

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"Hey Jadey!" Jade looked angry to Cat "I mean Jade." Continued Cat "You're still coming with me when I'll dye my hair right?" "Yea." Said Jade annoyed "I heard you don't do anything after school." "Yea why?" "Wanna come over to my house?" "Why?" "To have fun." "No." "Please." "I don't want to." "Please." "Ugh okay." "Yeah! What do you do Friday night?" "Sleepover at Beck's house." "Oh okay nice, you guys are close friends." "Yea." "Are we friends?" Said Cat hoping Jade would say yes "I guess." "Yeah!" And Cat tried to hug Jade but she screamed angry "No!".

"Okay children..." Started Sikowitz "... I'll choose one of you then I'll tell you a character to play and then you play it okay. Andre you start." "Okay." "Complain about the weather like an old man." The class looked confused at their teacher and Andre said confused "Hum okay." And he started to improv using an old man's voice "What is the matter with the weather it's raining the whole time and I hate walking to the bingo and get wheat every time." "Great Andre, now it's... Robbie's turn. Play a little boy who is mad because his mother doesn't want him to eat candies." "Okay." Robbie started to improv using an high and cute voice "But mum I've been nice the whole week I deserve those candies please, please, please, please." "Excellent.".

"Who's your favorite teacher?" Asked Andre to his friends "Easy Sikowitz." Said the whole gang at the same time "What about you?" Asked Beck to Andre "Same, Sikowitz." "Robbie, Andre do you still talk to Tom after yesterday?" "Nah and we won't." Said Andre "Oh." "Why?" "He asked if I wanted to come to the skatepark after school and I said yes." "He've asked me the same thing and I said no, I thought he was cool but now I hate him. You are way to nice." And Jade interrupted them "Since I know him I keep saying he's to nice, did someone ever believed me?" Beck smiled at Jade "So you're going?" Asked Andre "I guess." "You know he doesn't deserve another chance." Said Robbie "I know but he's my bud since kindergarten." Jade and Andre sighed knowing he shouldn't give him a second chance even know they were best friends. "Try it out if he's sorry than it's okay but if he'll do the same as yesterday again he really doesn't deserve your friendship, okay?" "I think it's a good idea." Said Jade while she turned her head to Beck "Okay." And Jade smiled at him.

"Hi!" Said Beck to Tom when he arrived at the skatepark "Hey dude." "I haven't seen you at school today." "I know." "Why?" "Because I don't wanna hang out with your friends." "Don't act like a child." "I don't, I just don't like them." "They're nice and don't judge them you don't even know them." "I don't have to know them." "If you don't wanna know them then don't judge them." "I judge them if I want to." "You know they're my friends right?" "So? I was your friend before they were." "So? They're better friends than you are." "Are you kidding?" "No, I'm sick of you judging my friends, so by now this friendship is over." "What?" "Yea it's over. And I won't accept any apology anymore, I gave you a second chance but you ruined it so this is what you get bye." And Beck left and Tom screamed "I'll take my revenge some day Beck Oliver." But Beck ignored it.

"That's your bedroom?" Asked Jade to Cat "Yea, you like it." Jade hesitated but than said "Nah." "Oh." Then the computer suddenly turned on "Oh, Jessy wants to video chat. You mind?" "Ugh no." "Kay Kay." And the small one clicked on: accept request. And the computer started showing the dark haired girl "Hi, oh is that Jade?" "Yea." Answered Cat "Hi Jade." Said Jessy "Yea hi." Said Jade bored "So hum what's she doing here?" "Oh I invited her." "Okay nice." "Yea Jade is my friend." "Kinda." Said Jade while she took a book off of Cat's shelf. "Hum you guys have fun?" Asked Jessy "She just entered my room so we haven't really talked or have fun yet." "Oh okay. Hum Jade you've plans for Friday?" "Why?" Asked Jade "Curiosity." "I sleep over at Beck's house." "You guys seem to be very good friends." "We are." "You're exited to see Cat with red velvet hair?" "I guess." "Oh right." And Cat interrupted them "Even if Jade seems mean she can be nice sometimes." "Yea, sometimes." Said Jade and Jessy smiled "My school is so boring, HollyWood Arts is much better." Said Jessy "That's because HollyWood Arts isn't a normal school." Said Cat "Yea I think that's the reason, oh I'm sorry Cat I gotta go." "Okay bye." "Bye Jade." "Yea bye." And Jessy left "Let's have some fun now." Said Cat happy and Jade sighed.

"Why doesn't she open the door?" Asked Andre to his mother while they were waiting outside his grandmother's house "I don't know we've already rang at the door ten times." "Maybe she isn't home." "I don't think so." "Let's try to enter the house trough the backyard?" "Good idea." And they walked to the backyard and the door was open so they entered "Grandma?" Yelled Andre "Mum where are you it's Andre and I." "Is there no one else?" Screamed the voice of the old lady "No one else here." Yelled her daughter to calm her. Then an old lady came scared out a room "Where have you been?" Asked Andre worried "In my closet." "Why?" "I heard a noise coming out the kitchen." Andre and his mother walked to the kitchen and Andre concluded "Hum Grandma you were just preparing coffee." "Coffee?" "Yea." "Yes mum come let's go sit on the couch." And they walked to the couch.

"Do you know where my toothbrush is?" Asked Robbie to his puppet "It's in the toilet." "The toilet?!" "Yea." "Why?" "Because when you put me down I fell on your toothbrush and then it fell in the toilet." "I'm sure you did that on purpose." "I promise I did not it was just you're stupid idea to put me there." "I think you're right." "When ain't I?" "Ugh so what do I do now?" "Put your hand in the toilet and grab the toothbrush." "But that's gross." "You want your toothbrush or don't you?" "Okay." Said Robbie while he sighed and he walked to the bathroom. "Ew!! This is gross." Said Robbie. When he took Rex again, Rex started laughing meanly "You're a demon." "I know, go brush your teeth now." "No that's gross." "Then use another toothbrush, you can use mine." "Okay." And Robbie started brushing his teeth with a tiny toothbrush.

The First Week At HollyWood ArtsWhere stories live. Discover now