A Red Head And A Couple

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Beck opened the door of his old bedroom where Jade slept "Hi Jade." Did he say happy when he discovered that his girlfriend was awake "Hey." She walked to him then kissed his cheek "Wanna eat breakfast?" "Sure." Then they walked downstairs "Good morning lovebirds." Said his mother happy then Jade whispered something in his ear "You told her about yesterday?" "Sure she's my mother." Jade sighed and they sat down on their chairs and started eating. After they ate, took a shower and got dressed Jade said "I gotta go now because I meet Cat by the mall at 11. You guys come when she's finished right?" "Yea." "Bye." "Bye." And they smiled at each other while Jade was leaving.

"Jadey!!" Yelled Cat when she saw her friend coming "How many times do I have to say it, do NOT call me Jadey." "Sorry." Jade sighed and Cat continued while they walked to the hair dresser "So how was it with Beck?" And Jade didn't really know what to say "Oh huh cool." But Jade forgot that Beck changed his status on TweetBook from single to in relationship "You're dating him?" "How do you know?" And Cat showed Beck's account on her phone "Oh I totally forgot that. Yea we're dating." "Cool. Oh there's the hair dresser." They walked to the hair dresser "Hello." Said a woman "Hi, I'm Cat Valentine." "Oh yea you were the one who wanted to dye her hair red velvet, right?" "That's me." Come take a seat so we can start." And Cat sat down on a seat in front of a mirror and Jade sat down on a bench and texted her boyfriend.

Some hours later there was no curly brunette anymore but there was a curly red head. "Do you like my hair, do you do you?" Asked Cat to Jade exited and Jade answered pretty nice "Yea it's better than I thought it would be." "Thank you." "Hey!" Yelled their three friends "Hi." Said the girls and Jade smiled at Beck he then put his arm around her waist and she around his neck. "Let's go to Wok Star." Said Cat and they walked to the restaurant. When they got there they sat down at a table "You guys like my hair?" Asked Cat and the boys answered "Yes." And she looked happy and continued "I'm just sad that Jessy can't see me like this." "Jessy?" Asked the boys and Jade answered "That's her best friend who moved to Washington D.C. But Cat you can video chat with her right?" "Yea but I want her to see it for real not on the computer." "Oh." "Where does your friend looks like?" Asked Andre and Cat showed a pic "Oh I think I've seen her at school." "Duh she was at our school the first day." Said Jade "Oh. Hum she looks nice." "She is." Said Cat "I'm sorry for you." Said Robbie.

Some minutes later everyone got their food, and someone that no one expected or wanted to see entered the restaurant, Tom. "What is that idiot doing here?" Asked Jade "Who?" Asked Beck "Tom." "Not him." Said Andre not wanting him around "Oh no he walks to our table." Said Cat "Oh no." Said Robbie "Oh there are my OLD friends with their NEW friends." Did Tom say "What do you want?" Asked Jade "And who're the dudes?" Asked Andre "Oh just eating some food with my NEW friends." "You know you won't make us jealous by saying that you're with you're NEW friends." Said Beck "I don't try to make any of you jealous. So you're dating?" "Yes so?" Said Jade "Well I got a better one." And the gang looked confused at each other and Robbie asked "You got a girlfriend?" "Sure I do." Did he say like he was the best and most handsome boy on earth "Where is she?" Asked Cat "Lola?" Yelled Tom and a pretty girl walked to him "Here she is." "That?" Asked Jade and Tom sighed "Yes." and Jade continued "Why do you date that idiot?" Asked Jade to Lola and the girl answered shocked "He is not an idiot." "Oh you got a stupid one?" Asked Jade smily to Tom "At least she is nice and not a mean little monster like Jade." And Jade got very angry and tried to attack him but Beck took her arms to put her back on her seat and Beck said "I don't want a dumb and nice girlfriend I want one who fights back and who has a big mouth because that's not easy and easy is boring. And I don't want a girlfriend who'll brake up with me after a week. I know I'll maybe not stay with Jade forever but I know it will be for a long time. And I'm not like you I don't only love Jade because she's pretty, I love her for who she is, okay? So shut up and leave us alone because I'm sick of you and your judgements." And the whole gang, especially Jade looked at Beck surprised and proud and Tom looked surprised and angry about what Beck said to his old friend. Tom did not know what to say so he just left and Beck sat down. "Oh my god that was so nice what you just said." Said Jade and they smiled at each other "Wooh I'm sure he did not see that coming." Said Andre "Haha he looks ridiculous now." Said Robbie and Cat giggled and they could finally eat calmly.
"Mum I'm back!" Said Cat when she came home "Your hair looks awesome." "Thank you." "I've a surprise for you it's in your room." And Cat ran exited and curious to her pink room. When she opened the door of her room she did not know what to say because this was the best surprise ever. On her bed sat her best friend Jessy and she said "Hi." "Jessy!!" And Cat ran to her friend to hug her and Cat said "Oh my god what are you doing here? In L.A.? In my room?" "I wanted to see your awesome new hair color and of course I wanted to see you." "Did my parents know this?" "Sure." "Since when?" "Thursday." "Oh my god this is the best surprise ever." "Stop bouncing I wanna see your hair." Said Jessy smily "Sorry." "It's beautiful." "Thank you." "So let's talk a little what's up?" "Yesterday I went to a new amusement park with Andre and Robbie." "Not your kinda friend Jade?" "Nah she was with Beck and now that we're talking about them they're dating." "Beck and Jade?" "Yea." "Really?" "Yea." "Oh okay cool." "After I dyed my hair we went to Wok Star that Chinese restaurant and Tom came to us and said mean things again and Beck defend us especially Jade. And Tom didn't know what to say that was so funny. And very nice from Beck." "Haha can I meet your friends?" "Sure till when are you here?" "Tomorrow evening." "Okay. Tonight we can go eat somewhere, wait I'll text them." "Okay.". Some minutes later the gang answered and they all wanted to come.

Beck and Jade were walking in the park "So tonight we're going to the restaurant to meet Cat's friend." Said Beck "Yes and Beck I really think that it was cool what you said to Tom." "Thank you he just deserved it." "Yea he really did, it was funny how he didn't know what to say at the end." "Yea that was funny." "I don't think he'll ever come judge us again." "I don't think either." The two started smiling at each other "I didn't know you thought all those stuff about me like we're just dating since yesterday." "Well it's not because we're dating since yesterday that I wasn't in love with you before." "Aw." And the two started smiling at each other and then they kissed.

"Hey!" Said the best friends when Andre entered the restaurant that evening "Hi." Said Andre who came as first "Let's go sit there till the other ones come." Said Jessy. When they sat down Robbie joined them "Hi!" Did he say and Jessy started whispering in Cat's ear "Hum does he always bring his puppet everywhere he goes?" "Yea but do not call it a puppet call him by his name Rex." And Jessy answered confused "Hum okay.". Some minutes later the couple also joined them "Hey!" Said the gang "Hi!" Said Beck and Jade "Are we late?" Asked Beck "Nah. They're just early." "Okay.". "So you're best friends?" Asked Andre "Yea since kindergarten." Answered Cat "Who're your best friends?" Asked Jessy to the gang "I don't know Beck and Robbie are my close friends." Said Andre "I don't really have one but let's say Andre and Beck." Said Robbie "Mine was Tom but then he stopped being my friend then Jade but now we're dating so I think Andre and Robbie." Said Beck then Cat looked at Jade hoping she would mention her because even if Jessy is her best friend she also consider Jade as her best friend "Hum I don't know maybe Cat a little." Said Jade so Cat said "Yeah!" And Jade smiled a little at Cat "Till when are you in L.A.?" Asked Robbie "Tomorrow evening." "Oh okay." "So you're all in the same class?" "Yea." answered Cat "Nice so what's up at school?" "We have to audition for a school play." Said Robbie "Oh my god that sounds awesome, you already know for what you will audition?" "Only Cat and I know." Said Andre "But we have till Tuesday to choose a role." Added Jade "Ah okay.".

Some hours later when they finished eating they all wanted to go home "So you sleep at my house tonight?" Asked Cat to her friend "Yea!" "Yeah! Bye guys!" Said Cat to her friends and she and Jessy sat down in her mother's car. "Alright there's my father." Said Andre "Bye." Said his friends "Bye." "Oh man my mum is stuck in traffic." "How do you know your phone doesn't even work?" Asked Rex loudly "Don't say it out loud. The people from the restaurant just told me." "Your mother called the restaurant haha you're such a baby." "I'm not." "Hey what's the matter?" Asked Beck "My mum is stuck in traffic." "Oh, you want me and Jade to bring you home." "Yes if you don't mind." "No we don't. And Jade you wanna sleepover at my house again?" "Sure." "Oh there's my father here we go."

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