New Friends

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"Hey can you and Cat eat with us at lunch?" Asked Beck to Jade "Hum sure." "Okay. You wanna go back to the park after school?" "Yeah." They smiled at each other. Cat walked to them "Hi!" "Oh hey Cat." Said Beck and Jade "Can I eat with you again today?" Asked Cat to Jade "If you want to, but do you also wanna eat with Beck and his friends?" "Yeah, your friends seem nice." "Thank you." Said Beck and he continued "How did you guys decorated your lockers?" "I'm not finished yet but it will be pink." Said Cat "Mine is black with scissors look." Said Jade and they walked to her locker "Nice." Said Beck "Dark." Said Cat and Beck and Jade looked confused at her "But do you like it?" Asked Jade "Yea!" Answered Cat happily "How's yours Beck?" Asked Cat "Come and see." The girls followed the handsome one to his locker "Transparent?" Asked Cat confused "Yeah." Answered Beck "Why?" Asked Jade "Because I don't have any secrets so my locker doesn't either." "Oh okay." Said the two girls and the bell rang.

"Today we'll look if you can fast remember things that you've seen for a short time." Said Mr. Sikowitz "Why?" Asked Jade "Because it's important to remember fast your lines for a play. Alright Beck you start." The teacher was holding a tiny board behind his back "Okay Beck I'll show you a picture for some seconds and then you'll have to describe it okay?" "Okay." He showed a picture of a cat then he put it back behind his back "Describe!" "Okay there was a little white cat on a wooden chair." "Come on more details about the cat." "Okay hum the cat had green eyes, and huh paws and a tail?" "Huh alright good enough. Cat!" He showed Cat a picture then put it back behind his back "Describe!" "There was an elephant... One time my brother tried to touch an elephant in a zoo and then he fell in the water." The whole class was staring confused at the small brunette and Sikowitz said "Hum okay huh go ahead." "About what?" "The elephant." "What elephant?" "The one on my tiny board." "What tiny board?" "The one behind my back." "Oh, huh he was grey." "More details." "He was big." "More." "Huh..." While Cat was thinking Sikowitz looked desperate at his pupils and said to Cat "It's alright let's do something else."

Beck, Cat and Jade walked to Tom, Andre and Robbie's table "Hey, do you mind if they eat with us?" Asked Beck to Tom "The girls?" "Yeah." "I don't want them here." "Why?" "The dark one is creepy and the girly one is weird and I already have to eat with the puppet dude." "Yeah but they're my friends." "So?" "And you are too so I wanted to eat with all my friends." "I don't care if they come sit here." Said Andre "Me neither." Said Robbie "What's your decision?" Asked Beck "I'm going somewhere else, I don't wanna eat with freaks, I'll make new friends better than you who are normal okay? Bye." Tom left

and the girls and Beck sat down. "What's his problem?" Asked Jade to the guys "I don't know he's acting weird lately." Answered Andre "I think he's just jealous because I made new friends." Said Beck "One time my brother made a new friend in the hospital but he was German so he did not understand him." Said Cat and the whole gang looked at her confused "What's your brother's problem?" Asked Robbie "You want me to tell all my brother's problem?" "Yeah." Said the gang curious "Well it's impossible to say all of them." "Why?" Asked Jade annoyed "Because he has like a hundred problems, I'm not kidding my brother is pretty messed up." "I think that the weirdness is in the family." Said Jade "What do you mean?" Asked Cat confused "Never mind." "Okay." Said Cat happily.

"Jade what's your favorite movie?" Asked Beck when they were in the park "Easy the scissoring." "It's a horror movie right?" "Yep." "I've never seen it but I really want to." "I have it, we could watch it together once." "What about Friday night at my house you could stay the whole night and sleep in my old room if you want to?" "You invite me?" "Yep." "Okay." And they started smiling at each other. "So tomorrow park again?" "Sure." "But we aren't going to the park on Friday like you sleepover at my house, okay?" "Okay." And they started smiling at each other again.

"Do we really have to go see grandma?" Asked Andre to his mother "Yes." "I don't wanna complain but, why? "Because she is lonely." *Ding Dong* Andre's grandma opened the door "What do you want?!" Did she ask screaming "Will she do this every time we visit her?" Asked Andre and his mother sighed "It's just Andre and I." Said Mrs. Harris to calm her mother down "Okay." Said the old one hesitating. Some minutes later Mrs. Harris gave her son and her mother a drink. And Andre's grandma suddenly started screaming "What?" Asked Andre worried "My clock!" Answered the old one "What's the matter with your clock?" Asked Mrs. Harris "The numbers change the whole time." "So? It's an electronic clock, it's normal." Said Andre "Oh." "Come drink some coffee mom." Said the old lady's daughter and they walked to the living room.

"Why are you upset?" Asked Robbie to his puppet "You know why." Said Rex upset "No I really don't." "Why aren't you smart?" "I am smart." Rex sighed then said "At the supermarket a woman said to you: Oh how cute a little puppet. She called me cute and a puppet, that's why I am upset." "Oh, is that all?" "It's very offensive and you said nothing." "What was I supposed to say?" "You could say: Hey woman don't call my puppet puppet, his name is Rex and he isn't cute." "I'll do that the next time promise but why didn't YOU say it?" "You did not hold me." "Oh I'm sorry." "It's okay."

"What's up?" Asked Jessy to Cat while they were video chatting "I ate with Beck, Jade, Robbie and Andre at lunch it was fun." "Nice." "You made new friends?" "Yeah their names are Lucy and Kendra." "Nice." And the two girls smiled at each other. "What do you do this weekend?" "Dying my hair but you know that *giggle* I guess I won't do more, you?" "Nothin'." "Kay kay." The girls smiled at each other again "I gotta go sorry." Said Jessy "Oh, okay bye!" And they stopped the video chat. Cat got annoyed so she called her kinda friend Jade "Hey Jadey!" "Do not call me Jadey." "Okay Jade." "Why do you call me?" "I'm bored, what are you doing?" "Ugh I'm in the park with Beck." "Oh okay cool." "Yeah bye." "No don't leave..." But she left.

"Oh I got a text." Said Beck surprised "From who is it?" Asked Jade "Tom." Said Beck surprised again "Tom?" "I know weird right?" "What does the text say?" "If you still want to be friends come after school to the skatepark tomorrow to have fun." "I don't like him." Said Jade suddenly "Hum yeah, he is weird but should I do it after what he did at lunch?" "If you want to skate with that idiot, go." "But if I say yes we can't go to the park tomorrow after school." "It doesn't matter. If he is important to you go for it, save your friendship." "You're sure?" "Yeah I've tons of other things to do." "Like what?" "I don't know, I'll see." Beck smiled and texted Tom back: "Okay let's do it.".

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