Princess Of Jorrden

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8 years later

Camila Cabello

"Your highness."

"WAH!" I immediately jolted awake out of my slumber. The heavy blankets wrapped around my leg helped to prevent me from falling off my bed.

I cleared my throat and rubbed my eyes. "Y-yes?"

"It's the first day of school, your highness." An unfamiliar maid smiled with empathy. "I'm afraid you need to get ready."

"First day of school?" I yawned and stretched my arms wide out, feeling a sense of relaxation as it cracked away some tension. "I'm afraid school's won't be open until day after tomorrow."

I heard her swallow. "Which is already today, my princess."

For a second, my mind started calculating how many times I've said that sentence. My eyes immediately widened and landed upon the calendar on top of my drawer. I impulsively smacked my forehead.

'Time passes by that fast?' I thought. 'A second ago I thought it was still the beginning of my summer vacation!'

"Queen Reyna is waiting for you at the main table for breakfast-" She hurriedly breathed out. "Umm- deepest apologies, my princess. Did you like your eggs scrambled?"

After struggling to fit my foot in my fluffy slippers, I looked at her in awe. She seemed to be scared with what I would say so I took her warm tired hands and held it.

"Y-your highness." Her eyes widened, obviously overwhelmed with the fact a princess is holding her hand.

"May I know your name?" I asked.

"Christina, at your service." she nodded and looked down on the ground. "I shall ask the chefs to change th-"

"No need." I smiled and pat her hands. "I like any kinds of food, Christina. Please do not worry about it."

"And please inform the guards to let Shawn in for breakfast."

"Yes! Anything for you, your majesty!" She bowed with respect and I nodded to her dismissal with a smile before walking to my wardrobe to put on a morning dress.

Heading down to the wonderful spiral staircase which took forever for a tired witch like me to walk through, I head on to my right to enter the great hall. The guards on duty down the hall saluted as I passed by and maidens bowed with manners. I smiled at them even though I feel like I would sleep on the red soft carpet at any moment, the chandelier on top of me still slightly dim, allowing me to take in the wonderful view of the sun rising outside my castle's windows.

I know it's pretty weird but I do actually like the sun. There's something about it that makes me relax and enjoy with pure calmness, they said it's how the Sun Goddess talks to you which is doubtful because no one has ever seen her in years.

"Enjoying the sun rise, your majesty?"

I flinched at the voice and turned around. "Shawn!"

He grinned. This morning he is wearing a long sleeved sweatshirt and black trousers, his brown messy hair now touching the top of his ears since I last saw him. I wrapped my arms around his neck and sighed. "I missed you."

"Same." He muffled through my hair. "But partly, since I see you a lot on news nowadays. Always felt like you were possessing my television."

I smirked. "Well, it knew you wouldn't survive not seeing my pretty face for a day."

We laughed and he pinched my cheeks. His cold hands making me shiver. "Speaking about news television, I've got some very weird news for you."

"The last time I heard a weird news was that a house struck by lightning due to the family cursing the Moon Goddess." I mumbled and walked with him to the great hall, the sounds of our footsteps echoing.

His face turned serious and his eyes looked like his thoughts had sucked him into a void, that's how deep he was. "No, this is different."

"Enlighten m-"

"Good morning, Camila." My mother interrupted right in front of us, splendid even at 7 am in the morning. How is she wearing a gown already? "Good morning, Mendes."

Shawn placed his right knee on the ground and I bowed. "Good morning, your majesty."

"Rise. Let's have breakfast, shall we?" she smiled warmly and turned around. "I hope you like omelette, Mendes."

"Yes I do, your majesty." Shawn's eyes widened with glee and looked at me. I gave him a cheeky smile, ever since he last had breakfast here in this castle he was fantasising about the omelette that left a huge mark on his taste buds.

"There's been a very....odd event happening lately." My mother said whilst waving her hand for the maid to signify the maid for breakfast.

"Odd?" I chuckled uneasily. "Mother, it's the first day of school, of course it's odd, who knows who will be the next Potions class teacher."

Shawn snorted and I laughed, allowing him to pull the chair for me to sit by the long dining table. The candles' flames suddenly blown out as the sun started to shine on the table. How could anything be odd today?

"Witches have been going missing since the past few days." She continued, her face as serious as the atmosphere she has formed around us. "Especially during near winter."

"I'm sure our best men can track them?"

"By the time they've track them, they're in shock and won't respond."

My eyebrows raised, stopping myself from fidgeting with the fork on a tissue. "Oh."

"I cannot read any emotions on your face, Camila Cabello." She said sternly. "It's almost as if you do not care-"

"Apologies, mom." I gripped tight on the knife I long stopped myself from fidgeting, Shawn beside me shifted on his chair. I've spent my summer vacation surrounded by these types of news I've grown tired of it. "I do not understand how this has anything to do with my education."

She inhaled deeply, obviously trying to calm herself from bursting out. "You will be a queen, Camila."

"I am not a queen now. I don't know why I need to hear this. "

"It doesn't make a difference." She raised her voice. My grip on the knife tighter as the table slightly shook to my own emotions. "Soon you will be, and you need to take care of your kingdom."

"Where was this kingdom 8 years ago?!" I yelled out. The candles suddenly burst into flames, the plates instantly cut in perfect half as if the wind decided to saw through them. I realised I've used too much energy early in the morning as soon as I found myself breathing hard.

Shawn's eyes widened and sat frozen on his seat, shocked that the plate in front of him has been cut. He looked at me and touched my arm. "Cam-"

"I'm not hungry." I immediately blurted out and stood up, the sound of the chair grazing the floor enough to fill the silence occurred.

I try to avoid her eyes and turned around. "I'll be late for school, goodbye Mother."

Heading on for the exit, the maids holding the plates looked shock.


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