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I inhaled in relief as the familiar smell of the fireplace rose up to my nose, adjusting the bracelet on my arm before stopping on my tracks.

I smiled softly at the sight of Camila sleeping on my favourite couch, the moonlight and the light from the fireplace combined to show off her features that I greatly admired. She slightly groaned on her pillow, her eyes shutting tight as she shifted. I touched her cheeks softly, soothing her from her nightmares.

After so many months, I actually got to have her here with me. What were the odds that the bracelet would send me somewhere unfamiliar just to see her again? Her head unconciously leaned in to my palms, sinking more of her soft cheeks on them.

Can I kiss her? No, that would be inappropriate. She must've had her eyes on someone else for the past months.

"Lauren." Harry walked into the room, immediately turning around in frustration as he saw my bloodied shirt. "What part of controlling your anger can't you understand?"

"If I didn't, Harry..." I glared, caressing Camila's bruised thighs before covering her with a warm blanket. "I would've murdered the whole market and it would turn into a butcher shop. But I only killed one-"

"That's your excuse?!"

"I killed that pervert, I did this kingdom a favor-"

"No, you did Camila a favor." He huffed stressfully. "You were under control until she came."

"I was under control until I saw Rodrick." I groaned loudly.

"Have some respect." Susan walked in the room with a towel, standing beside Harry who bowed his head in shame. "There's an exhausted girl sleeping and both of you are raising your voices."

"Harry, chop some wood. It's nearly sunrise."

Harry was about to say something until she urged him to leave, making him grunt in annoyance before walking out. Susan eyed my shirt before looking at my hand which is protectively caressing Camila.

"So this is Princess Camila..." She trailed off, squeezing the towel to rid of excess water into the bucket. "She's as beautiful as you say. I never knew I'd have so much royals under my roof." I was about to tell her what happened with Rodrick until she tapped my leg, gesturing me to keep it for now. She must've known what was bothering me.

I pursed my lips, Camila's slow breathing sending a rush of peace through me. "That's her."

I stood up, running my hands through my hair, walking to the direction of the sink in the kitchen until Susan spoke. "Where are you going?"

"I need to wash myself before she sees me like this..."


"Just cause..." I looked away, biting the insides of my cheek. She sighed understandingly, standing up to rub blood stains on my arm with care.

"Rodrick would always come home like this..." She chuckled softly as I watch her in admiration. "Scared me to my core, he was like a different person."

"Although, he would never ever hurt me. Even during our petty fights, he would smash things to the wall but then he wouldn't let a glass shard fly to me."

"He never really said he loves me but I already know he does." She smiled with a tint of loneliness. "I knew for the way he loved our daughter."

"I owe you." I told her, rubbing her shoulder to express myself. The moonlight is replaced by the rays of sun rising and she immediately stepped away from the window before it could burn her.

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