Chapter 1 imprisoned

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Izuku Midoriya a young boy kidnapped from the playground near his home he was 4 years old taken by a stranger he was knocked out when he woke up. He was in a room strapped to a table h was scared and confused at the situation until a teen greeted him.

Tomura: Hello little boy are you afraid?

Izuku could only nod in response to the guys question until he spoke and said something that sent chills down Izuku's spine

Tomura: Good you should be afraid scream and shout all you want because nobody is going to find you.

Izuku had tears in his eyes he was terrified he prayed that someone anyone would look for him but he wasn't sure if anyone really cared about him besides his mother. Before Tomura left he introduced himself "my name is Shigaraki Tomura and before I leave I'd like to ask what is your quirk?"

Izuku: I was diagnosed quirkless.

As Shigaraki left the room the boy was in he flipped a switch and Izuku was subjected to electrocution at a voltage that didn't kill him but that would break his spirit.

Izuku:Ahhhhhh hhhhh ahhhhh hhhhh hhhhh

Shigaraki loved to hear the screams of agony of those in pain he gave off a smile as if he was a child that opened the Christmas present and found out he got exactly what he wanted.  After two hours Izuku was removed from the electric table and thrown into another room full of kids his age they were all scared but they knew they couldn't do anything the oldest kid there was 11 and he had lost all hope of being rescued.

It felt like an eternity since Izuku was kidnapped in truth 4 days have passed and It was broadcast on the news.

(Special announcement)

Reporter: We are here live in Mustafa city where a young boy was kidnapped and we have his mother hoping her son could see this message.

Inko: Izuku my baby please be safe and hold on the heroes are doing they're best to find you.

Shigaraki turned the TV off eventhough Izuku couldn't hear the TV he always had a strong sense of hope even if the situation seemed hopeless. Hearing those words on the tv Shigaraki was furious and grabbed Izuku by the ear with two fingers and tied him to the electric table flipped the switch and left.

(4 hours later)

Tomura returned to see how much Izuku's spirit had broken after being tortured. As he flipped the switch to cut the electrical flow he noticed Izuku's eyes still had a ray of light and  that pissed Tomura off he then resorted to using whips and blades to torture him.  Izuku's pain tolerance had gone up since he suffered the electric table for hours at a time at first he was given little cuts by knife then they turned to slashes this went on for a while.

(Time Skip 4 years later)

Izuku now being 8 years old his suffering continued and the media had called off the search through the last 4 years Izuku suffered a lot as more and more kids were taken captive. The kid who was the oldest when Izuku arrived he was put to death just so the villians could hear him scream Izuku now being the oldest was always protecting the little kids he took the beatings for them Tomura even used his quirk disintegrate on Izuku. Izuku had a rough face now because bone was showing that's where Tomura attacked first his face all the little kids were afraid Izuku spoke to them.

Izuku: Don't worry I bet they're looking for you guys as we speak you have to keep believing that we will be saved.

These words Izuku spoke gave the children comfort the Izuku was then grabbed by his ear again and Tomura disintegrated the skin off of Izuku's back as he could no longer feel pain since he had grown accustomed to it. It was then after Izuku stopped screaming a loud boom was heard from above as if an explosion was set off. The villians base had a P.A system and announced that heroes had broken through Tomura got desperate and since all the children had their hands tied they could do nothing Tomura grabbed a gun and began exicuting the children one by one as he had a sadistic grin on his face.

  In total there were 50 kids and it seemed like Tomura had infinite ammo as he put a bullet through the back of their heads. Izuku grew angrier that he could do nothing as he saw the bodies drop one by one and he shouted.

Izuku: rahhha rahhha rahhha

Little did Izuku know his quirk manifested and he melted the straps off the electric table and shot a blast of lightning at Shigaraki but he missed.

Shigaraki: Kurogiri let's get out of here wee got all the research we need

So Tomura fled just as the heroes approached the lower levels of the villian hideout

Izuku: I vow on my life that I'll bring you to justice for the atrocities you've committed here

As Izuku passed out in a large pool of blood left by all the children who were executed by bullets 50 children kidnapped one survived. As the door was blown off its hinges a loud voice boomed FOR I AM HERE!!!!!!!!!!!! It was AllMight but when he saw all the dead bodies his stomach couldn't take it and threw up.

As the team of heroes walked into the room and saw the atrocious sight they hung their heads in shame when they realized it was too late until they heard a groan.

Izuku: Uggh

This sound was hope that the heroes were able to save at least one child when they found the one who groaned they looked at his face and saw how badly he was beaten and all the cuts and missing pieces of flesh. They brought recovery girl to heal the boy as he was healed she said to them the scars are permanent here healing wasn't able to restore that. He was healed enough to be stable he was then transported to the hospital and when they found his medical records they contacted his mother Inko she practically ran to the hospital and when she saw her baby boy who was missing for 4 years she wept in joy to have her son back even though he was missing flesh and looked mutilated she still loved him.

Hey guys Silverlion coming back at you with a new story let me know what you think hope you enjoy it.

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