Chapter 12

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It was to rain soon, she could smell it in the air mixing with the smell of gunpowder and smoke. They had won their first battle and that gave Lizzie hope for he fight ahead. She hoped that the other students had as much luck as les amis d'labc did. No deaths were accounted for as of now thanks to her cousin's crazy idea. She shook her head, letting out another breath of relief that Marius hadn't actually blown himself and the barricade away.

In the quiet of the evening, Lizzie found this particular walk unnerving. It seemed like the city was far too quiet. Were the people sleeping at such a crucial moment in their lives? She hoped that it was just the people taking the day to mourn General Lamarque and once the sun rose the people would join them. She just hoped the current barricades could hold back the soldiers that long.

She was nearly to the next barricade when she heard someone come up behind her. She spun around to look but there was no one there. Her heart began to beat faster. Who could possibly be following her? She was following the path she herself came up with in order to get to each barricade without the threat of running into any guard members.

She took in her surroundings once more before taking a deep breath and turning back to her path. She was met with Raoul's chest, however. She let out a little squeak as she tried to get away from him. Raoul smirked down at Lizzie who was staring back at him with wide eyes.

He had taken her off guard, good. He thought as he took a step towards her. "My dear, dear Lissette, what on earth are you doing out here all alone? I've been searching all over for you. Your grandfather and I were very worried about you after the little stunt you pulled at the ball. We figured your cousin's been feeding you the nonsense he and his friends believe in so much. I just didn't think you would actually join them when they started this lost cause of a revolution."

That brought Lizzie out of her shock. "What more do I have to do in order for you to understand that I do not want you? I am not your dear Lissette and this revolution is not a lost cause. The people are too overcome with their grief to rise but they will. Thy will rise up and bring France back to a country for the people, just like America did." She stood her ground. Her wide eyes changed to show her fiery determination in the revolution. She placed her hands on her hips and stared Raoul down.

He did nothing but laugh. "You foolish girl. You will learn soon enough. Right this minute soldiers are climbing to the roofs of the buildings surrounding the barricades before we send cannons to finish the job. Today will on be remembered as a student uprising."

Lizzie shook her head, not wanting to believe what he was telling her. Raoul then pointed behind him. People carrying guns could be seen creeping a top of the buildings, getting into position. At the sight, Lizzie's heart broke. No, this couldn't be happening. Someone had to warn her friends. He then raised his hand, Lizzie noticed one of the men watching them. When Raoul made a fist, gunshots rang throughout the street but to Lizzie the screams of the students who partnered with her and her friends were deafening.

"No!" She shouted, running towards Raoul. "You're a monster! You don't care for the people. You only care about yourself. How can you say you are a protector of justice when what you do is unjust?!" She beat on his chest, tears streaming down her cheeks.

He was able to easily stop her attack, holding onto her hands and keeping them against his chest. "Now you know the fate of your so called friends. You have the power to stop it though. You come with me, get them to stop their rebellion and they will go free but you, you are mine. If you don't stay with me, your friends will wind up dead."

Lizzie tried to struggle against his hold. If she could just get back to Enjolras before Raoul got to his troops she could save them. Raoul was stronger and when it was clear she wouldn't be able to break free, Lizzie sang against him, all fight leaving her body. "I hate you," she whispered.

"You will learn to love me as my mother did with my father." Raoul tol her as he began to drag her back to the barricade stationed outside of the Musain.

This time she would be in front of it instead of behind it. She wouldn't be fighting for the people, she would be with those against. She would never see her cousin again. She would never sing again. She would never see her Enjolras again. She would never love again. She would be a policeman's wife. She should just become mute for she wouldn't be able to speak freely ever again. Why speak if her words would be monitored carefully? She wondered if running away to a convent would be a better option. Or she was sure she could find a dagger or even a gun somewhere.

She stood before the barricade so proud of her boys for fighting for what they believed in. She hoped they would be able to forgive her. Courfeyrac was keeping watch and he didn't even have to be told to grab Enjolras. As each member climbed the barricade to see their friend being held captive, Lizzie only had eyes for their leader in red.

He had run up to the top post to see if what Courfeyrac had said was true. He raised his gun and pointed it towards Raoul. He could take the shot and Lizzie would be free. Without Raoul maybe even the guard would stand down and listen to them. He knew that was a stretch but he just wanted Lizzie safe, away from Raoul and back with him.

At the sight of the gun pointed at him, Raoul pulled Lizzie in front of him and place a pistol to her temple. "You at the barricades listen to this. If you do not stop this nonsense now, you and she will die. Put down your weapons and surrender."

The boys looked to Enjolras but he was focused in on Lizzie. She too was looking to her lover, tears in her eyes. It was if he was silently asking her what he should do. It felt as though he was losing everything. As the night had gone on he feared that the people were not stirring as he had hoped. He had begun to realize that he was leading his friends right to death's doorstep. Despite his preparations, his revolution was failing.

Now he was losing his only other love, the only woman who believed in France as much as he did. If he didn't surrender, he would watch her die before ultimately his and his friend's deaths. If he did surrender, Raoul would be the one to marry her but lives would be spared.

Lizzie gave him a reassuring smile and a small nod. She was giving him her permission to do what he thought was right. At least if Raoul pulled the trigger then she would be reunited with him again.

Enjolras sighed and lowered his gun. "We will return to our homes and the talk of revolution will not be heard ever again." In the end, no matter how much he loved France, he couldn't personally sign the death certificates of his friends or watch as his love was killed in front of him. He would have to find another way to help the people of France.

Raoul smiled victoriously. "Leave now. You have made a wise decision." He lowered his pistol and gripped onto Lizzie's waist as he lead her to his horse. He ordered a few more to inform the others what had happened. He couldn't wait to inform his father. He won. He got what he wanted. Now he just had to make sure Lissette behaved.

Enjolras climbed down the barricade. His friends surrounded him once his feet touched the ground. They could tell his heart was heavy. "We will get her back, Enjolras." Combeferre said, clasping a hand over his friend's shoulder.

"And we will try this again to bring about the change that is needed." Courfeyrac added.

Enjolras just shook his head. "There will be none of that. Go about your lives and live, truly live. It is what she would have wanted." He then turned to look at Marius. "I am sorry I couldn't save her this time."

Marius came and stood right in front of Enjolras. "You are acting as if she is dead but she is living and she is well. She gave you her blessing to do as you needed, which you did. The sun will rise tomorrow and there will be new hope that comes from a new day. Lizzie will be by your side again. She will be with us again."

Enjolras let out a forced laugh. "I pray that you are right, my friend. Now just leave me be." Their broken leader in red walked away from his friends mourning his losses of the day. First a man he considered a mentor, then back to back his two loves, the things that made him whole. He wasn't sure how he would ever come back from this.


AN: We are coming to an end with this story! I can't believe it. Only a few more chapters left!! I hope you've all been enjoying it so far. I can't wait to hear what you think. Much love!!

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