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'forgive me jihoon.'

slam. the door infront of seungcheol immediately closes after jihoon registers what is happening exactly. jihoon is not ready to talk to, let alone meet seungcheol at all.

'open the door please... jihoon.' he hears seungcheol yell outside, knocking on the door for a few times too.

just leave. all of the feelings jihoon tried to bury beneath his stomach was now scratching at his throat. his heart currently palpitating quicker than it had during the past one month.

'i'm not going anywhere until the door opens,' seungcheol yells again. jihoon knows the older means what he says so he heaves a sigh of defeat and unlock the door, slowly pulling it open to see the other standing.

'what the crap do you want,' jihoon murmurs and signals seungcheol to come in. seungcheol gives him an awkward grin before stepping foot into the house. he looks around to see new paintings and photo frames hung around the room, giving the room the pop of colour that it had desperately needed. 'you don't need to beat around the bush,' the younger adds.

'i want a second chance...' jihoon lifts an eyebrow at the answer. yes, he knows what seungcheol means, but he wants him to elaborate. he prods seungcheol at the arm, asking him to continue, '...for me to show you that i'm not an asshole... i was wrong jihoon, i don't love jeonghan but i was so blinded by past feelings that i ignored my current one.'

seungcheol takes a deep breath before continuing, 'i- i like you jihoon, that kiss did mean something, and i want us to be more than friends. i don't mind starting over too.'

'let's... talk about this tomorrow? i uhh... bye...' seungcheol mumbles, feeling a little awkward that he confessed just now. he turns around and is about to leave but he feels a hand wrap around his wrist, pullung him around.

'you don't have to start over,' jihoon replies, looking at the floor and not making eye contact at all.

'why?' jihoon raises his head up and sees seungheol's face light up, making him slightly embarrassed. he pulls seungcheol in for a hug and mumbles into his shirt.

'because i want us to be more than friends just as much as you do...'

'then be mine jihoon,' seungcheol says softy as he caresses jihoon's hair, his words sending shivers down jihoon's spine.

'of course.'

[A/N] fInAlLy, but don't worry the story isn't ending yet, life ain't so easy for everyone ;) (don't kill me im sorry XD)

p.s have a great day, you're valid and you mean alot to people around you ♡♡ love you guys!!

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