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"...has officially announce that he will stop all his work and activities..."

seungcheol stares at the news article in disbelief. he knows jihoon, he knows the younger wouldn't give up so easily on something he's so passionate about... what made him do this?

he feels uneasy as thoughts about how it was probably his fault creeped into his mind. no, you're just thinking too much cheol.

'it's sad how woozi decided to stop making songs, i really liked them a lot.' a familiar voice speaks up. seungcheol looks up to see jeonghan wearing his shoes, preparing to go out again. 'i wonder what caused him to make that decis-'

'oh you're finally talking to me?' seungcheol cuts him off and speaks with slight annoyance, raising his eyesbrows. 'where are you going again?'

'am i suppose to ignore the leader forever?' jeonghan scoffs before opening the door, 'pledis.'

after a few moments of staring at the door after jeonghan left, seungcheol decides to go outside for some fresh air too. i'll just sit at the park bench and think about life, he chuckles at himself with pity as he gets up from the couch.


change of plans. the park was filled to the brim, there were way too many people for his liking. so the bus stop is where he heads to instead.

he takes a seat and starts admiring the cars passing by, too deep in his thoughts to notice someone sitting down beside him. but it wasn't for long since the person next to him lets out a cough, startling seungcheol. he jerks his head to the side to see who the loud cough belonged to.

'j-jisoo?' his face breaks into a smile even if he is confused to see him there. 'wait-what? aren't you supposed to be somewhere outside of korea?'

'i came back for a while, staying at a hotel.'

'what? why not come back to the dorm?'

'i'm not ready to face you guys yet okay, especially him,' jisoo's voice becomes smaller as he speaks. 'but back to you, why do you look so bothered?'

'it's just- jihoon. long story short we got into a fight because he was acting really weird and then he blocked me...' seungcheol starts explaining everything to jisoo from the fight that happened to the news article that was published today. 'i don't know why he had to quit his passion just because of this.'

'cheol,' jisoo's heart breaks seeing seungcheol so hurt and confused. he wants to be mad at seungcheol for giving up on jeonghan for another guy, but he knows how feelings are, stubborn. 'maybe... he's waiting for you to figure out something? he can't be doing all of this without a reason.'

'how can i figure it out if i can't even contact him?' seungcheol asks. jisoo answers by patting his shoulder twice before getting up to leave.
[A/N] happy chinese new year!!
i finally have time to update,, settling down for a new school year wasn't going as planned (too much mental breakdowns to handle)
i really miss my old classmates a lot. it's so stressful being put into a new class with no close friends, especially for an introvert:(

anyways, i'm really sorry if this was a crappy chapter. i'll try to get my life settled asap so it doesn't make my writing anymore worse than it is currently.

have a great week, stay safe, thank you for reading, love you guys! <3

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05, 2019 ⏰

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